Oh my flipping heck!
So the past few weeks have been so weird, I don't even know where to start. I've been so stressed with school, I ended up having to drop a class. That wasn't fun. But this past week has been worse.
On Wednesday my Grandad passed away. He was my mothers father, and my last living grandparent. He came over thus summer for a visit and I went on a road trip with him, Sylvia (his friend), and my mom. I think I posted some pictures.
Anyway, this was completly unexpected. And it hit my mom hard. She's flying to England next Tuesday. And I'm going with her.
That's right. I'm dropping my classes, I've quit my job, and I'm going to England for about 5 weeks to be there with my mom. If you need to talk to me, email me. I won't be on facebook or twitter. I have no idea how often I'll be online, so be patient with me. If you do email me I will get back to you, it just may take some time.
See you guys later.
So, one of the classes I'm taking is a Computer Graphics class. Which means, I get to use Maya, which is a really nice graphics program (super expensive, too. Wow!)
I've decided to show you some of the things that I've done with Maya.
I've decided to show you some of the things that I've done with Maya.
Sprinkler! I made this from scratch, using NURBS objects. Which can be quite frustrating. But, it looks cool now!
Sprinkler revised! I just thought it looked really cool all glowy and stuff. No, I didn't actually turn this in for my assignment, although I wanted to.
Fire Extinguisher! This I was given the object, but I had to go through and add texture, and the image. I tried to find one of those cool Warning signs (the ones that are totally obvious and hilarious) but none fit my fire extinguisher, so I jsut used the one shown here.
Drum! I was given this one as well, and played with the texture. Although I think it turned out amazing, my teacher didn't like the transparency of the top of the drum, so he docked me a point. Sad day.
So for the last two, I was given the picture of the balloon dude, and I got to have fun with the lighting.
This is my favorite 'Sunset Lighting'. I had to make the background, too. It was an adventure. Which I enjoyed. Mostly. :D
So, what do you guys think? Do you want to see a few more of my projects that I've been working on? Do you never want to see 3D objects again? Let me know!
Since I need to blog more. Or write more. Or something, I decided to consider myself tagged. Because it's fun answering random questions about myself. At least, funner than worrying about homework. ;)
A: Addiction: Music.
B: Breakfast: What is this food of which ye speak? (I'd love to have hashbrowns and eggs every morning, but that only happens when I go home...)
C: Chocolate or Chips: Chocolate. Chocolate chips.
D: Dessert or Appetizers: Dessert.
E: Essential Items: iPod. Phone. But mainly iPod.
F: Favorite Color: Green.
G: Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Gummy Bears!!
H: Hometown: Orem, Utah
I: Indulgence: Taking a nap.
J: January or July: July all the way! I hate the cold.
K: Kids: Maybe one day. For now I have enough nieces and nephews.
L: Life isn't complete without: good friends.
M: Most exciting memory: Nothing recent. Probably going to England. Or New York, basically visiting anywhere new is exciting.
N: Number of Brothers and Sisters: 3 sisters. 4 brothers. (although technically I have 5 brothers, but that's a story for another day. If you want to hear it.)
O: Oranges or Apples: Orange juice.
P: Phobias or Fears: heights. Except when I'm on a plane.
Q: Quote: Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter - Dr. Suess
R: Reading: Who has time to read? (Except blogs, about once a week I indulge)
S: Summer or Spring: Summer!
T: Tag 6 people: Stop telling me what to do.
U: Unknown Fact About Me: Apparently I can survive on an average of 5 hours of sleep. Who'd of thunk? (Before this semester I didn't even know this about me)
V: Vacation I want to go on: Australia. One day, please!
W: Walking or Running: Walking. I. Don't. Run.
X: X-Ray or Ultrasound: X-Ray. No reason to get an ultrasound.
Y: Your favorite food: Currently: veggies. Because I don't get enough and that's what my body craves.
Z: Zoo or Bowling: Bowling. Although I never have time for either.
Consider yourself tagged. If you want. I am not going to make you. Promise.
A: Addiction: Music.
B: Breakfast: What is this food of which ye speak? (I'd love to have hashbrowns and eggs every morning, but that only happens when I go home...)
C: Chocolate or Chips: Chocolate. Chocolate chips.
D: Dessert or Appetizers: Dessert.
E: Essential Items: iPod. Phone. But mainly iPod.
F: Favorite Color: Green.
G: Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Gummy Bears!!
H: Hometown: Orem, Utah
I: Indulgence: Taking a nap.
J: January or July: July all the way! I hate the cold.
K: Kids: Maybe one day. For now I have enough nieces and nephews.
L: Life isn't complete without: good friends.
M: Most exciting memory: Nothing recent. Probably going to England. Or New York, basically visiting anywhere new is exciting.
N: Number of Brothers and Sisters: 3 sisters. 4 brothers. (although technically I have 5 brothers, but that's a story for another day. If you want to hear it.)
O: Oranges or Apples: Orange juice.
P: Phobias or Fears: heights. Except when I'm on a plane.
Q: Quote: Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter - Dr. Suess
R: Reading: Who has time to read? (Except blogs, about once a week I indulge)
S: Summer or Spring: Summer!
T: Tag 6 people: Stop telling me what to do.
U: Unknown Fact About Me: Apparently I can survive on an average of 5 hours of sleep. Who'd of thunk? (Before this semester I didn't even know this about me)
V: Vacation I want to go on: Australia. One day, please!
W: Walking or Running: Walking. I. Don't. Run.
X: X-Ray or Ultrasound: X-Ray. No reason to get an ultrasound.
Y: Your favorite food: Currently: veggies. Because I don't get enough and that's what my body craves.
Z: Zoo or Bowling: Bowling. Although I never have time for either.
Consider yourself tagged. If you want. I am not going to make you. Promise.
New York!
So, I realize I'm really behind in blogging. But with school and work, and all that fun, I have not had much time to blog. Until today. When I finally got my pictures off of my camera and thought "Hey, some people might want to see some of these pictures! Some of them are cool!"

We went to Saratoga Springs, NY to walk around. We walked around Congress park, and they have a real Carousel going! Of course we had to ride it. Awesome! 

In August I flew out to New York (upstate, not the city), where my best friend lives. I stayed a week, and then we drove back. Here are some pictures from that awesome trip:
This is a lake. In New York. :D Liz drove me around to see the countryside, and we drove by this. Yay!
This is Liz's (well, her sisters) dog, Savannah. So cute!
This is my new friend Mary. Hi Mary! She's going to BYU-I right now.
This is Liz and I sitting in a giant Adirondack chair. Yes, it was amazing.
One Sunday, after church, we drove to Vermont. Yay Vermont! We were going to see Joseph Smith's birthplace.
Here is some Vermont countryside. Or at least, a river. In this valley-thing. (Update: Liz says it's the Quechee Gorge) That we crossed over. Yay!
And yes, we did have the free guided tour. Yay!
And here is the monument. I swear the sky was bluer than that. I think I need to find more pictures that I took....
And here is me, next to the Locke. (I think that's how it's spelled...)
So, I have more pictures, but I'm thinking I'll save those for a different post. Because there are a lot more. Involving me, Liz, and Crystal (Liz's sister) driving cross-country. Which is a true adventure.
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