
Ten on Tuesday

I should probably write more about my life, but nothing much is going on right now. I'm trying to find a job, but not as much as I really should (I suck at job-hunting. meh). My sister from Houston is spending the week in Yellowstone (I saw her Sunday, happy day!), and she'll be back Sunday to stay until July. At least I'll be able to earn some money babysitting. :)

That's about it. I'm trying to cut down my online time. It's hard. I'm trying to be more social. That's hard, too.

Maybe one day I'll have a serious post about what I've learned in the past month about following the Spirit. We'll see.

Here's ten on tuesday!

1. What is your favourite piece of furniture in your house?
hmmm. I don't actually own any furniture (sad day), but I really love our old couch. It's huge, you can't buy one that long anymore. Ah, the memories.

2. If it was raining so hard on a Saturday that you couldn’t leave your house, what would you spend the day doing?
Reading, listening to music, complaining on twitter. :)

3. What was your favourite candy as a child?
As a child? Hmmm. Mr. Goodbar, I think. So, chocolate?

4. Did you get an allowance? What was it based on? What did you do with it?
No allowance. I could work for my parents to earn money if I wanted. But there was never really anything I wanted...

5. Do you have a favourite Etsy store?
No, but my friend has one, so does that count?

6. Do you prefer time with family or time with friends?
Both. Especially when my friends are my family. :)

7. Looney Tunes, Tiny Toons, or Animaniacs?
I never really watched any of those growing up (my mom had strict rules regarding TV). So, no idea.

8. Best daytime talk show: Oprah, Ellen, The Doctors, Tyra (ha!), Dr. Oz, or Dr. Phil?
Um, I've never seen any of those, and I've only heard of like, 2. So, none of the above?
9. Would you rather have the power of invisibility or the ability to fly?
Fly. I love flying (in an airplane), and it would be amazing to do it everyday.

10. Name 1 thing you love about being an adult.
Hmmm. Probably choosing my own meals, closely followed by choosing my own bedtime.


I love this

I first heard part of this song in the new Mormon Channel Video, "My New Life",  about blogger NieNie's life. I fell in love with it, and now I find that there is an unofficial music video!

So I love this singer, Mindy Gledhill. I first heard about her on Twitter (where I do follow her). This song is called  "All About Your Heart" and it's on her soon-to-be-released album, Anchor. I'm super excited for it!



So I'm actually doing this on tuesday this week. Let's see if this becomes a weekly thing or if I slack off...

1. If your name was a verb, what would “to Chelsea” mean? (Insert your own name though…)
well...to Cspokey would mean to read. While listening to music. And tweeting.

2. What myth have you always wanted to prove or bust?
I'm not sure. Maybe something to do with...peanut butter. Yeah.

3. If you had the ability to get a message out to the entire world, what would you say? 

4. I know you’ve answered a similar question before, but it’s been awhile. Please name your current top 10 blogs.

Top 10? I'm subscribed to over 200 in Google Reader. Right now I don't have as much time to read blogs, so current top 10 are friends and funny ones. Like: http://www.dweebist.com/, Cake Wrecks, Geek & Poke.

5. Do you have a junk drawer? 
A junk drawer? No. I have about 5. Most of it needs to go to DI though.

6. Bottled water or tap?  
Tap. Filtered.

7. As a kid, did you have a favorite Biblical story?
Um, not really.

8. What is your favorite black and white movie?
Not sure. Haven't seen enough.

9. Aside from your engagement/wedding rings, what is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own? Does it have a story behind it?Well, I don't have an engagmenet/wedding ring at this time. I have a cheap ($2) bracelet that says "Ethan's Team" that I wear at all times. It reminds me of Ethan, of the fight against cancer.

10. What sports/activities do you hope your kids will be involved in? (Answer for both a boy and a girl)
Whatever they want to do. I want to give them a variety of options for them to try out, but let them decide for themselves. 


breaking news!

Ok, so this isn't really breaking news.

It's not even news.

But I'm going to say it anyway.

I'm crazy. I'm insane.

Because I have a secret. And it's crazy. But it's true.


Ten on Thursday

It's supposed to be ten on tuesday, but I don't mind being a little late.

1. What was your high school superlative (if you didn’t have one- what would it have been)?
I didn't have one that I can remember. High school was a while ago.

2. What sports did you play in high school?
None. I don't do sports.

3. What was the best part about your wedding (if you’re not married yet, what are you looking forward to)?
Um, pass.

4. It’s your last meal– what Appetizer, Soup, Salad, Entree and Dessert would you choose?
Appetizer: Breadsticks.
Soup: Broccoli and cheese.
Salad: Barbecue chicken.
Entrée: Fried chicken. Because I've been craving that for weeks. And it still sounds good.
Dessert: Fondue.

5. What song is your guilty pleasure?
One song? Right now it would be World Spins Madly On by the Weepies.

6. What is your favourite professional sports team, and why do you like them?
Um...I honestly don't follow that.

7. What is your favourite reality show and why do you like it?
Reality show? Um, I don't watch  TV...

8. How would you classify your home decorating style (modern, classic, French country)?
Modern. Definitely Mondern.

9. Pizza- deep dish or thin crust? White sauce or red sauce? What toppings?
Deep dish, red sauce, barbecue chicken.

10. Favourite weekend getaway within a two hour driving radius?
I guess I'd say Salt Lake City, Kaysville probably. 


Relay for Life

So, I don't really know how to describe Relay. It was an absolutely amazing night. There were hundreds of people there, all fighting against cancer. I've known many people who've had cancer: my mom had it twice (she's been cancer free for about 10 years I think. yay!), my nephew, my grandma, my great-uncle, my great-grandpa, multiple young woman leaders, etc. It's an awful disease, which goes after anyone, not caring about age, situation in life, etc. And we have to fight against it.

That night, hundreds of people got together. We raised over $100,000. Wow!

The main part is the fact that for each team, one person on that team is walking around the field at any time, in remembrance of those who have had cancer. I walked from 12:30 to about 1.

The disappointing thing about the night is that it looked like rain, like a huge storm was coming. So about 1 am they told everyone to pack up, and basically everyone went home. Which was silly, because we were at a high school football field, and the committee had reserved the gym, and we could have just kept walking all night. Even worse, it didn't even end up raining!

There were a few of us (my sister, my brother-in-law, my brother) who stayed and walked until about 3 am, but then we were so tired we had to go home.

It was an amazing experience. I'm disappointed that we didn't go all night. But, we tried.

And we will always remember.