
Friday Fill-In

I'm stealing this from someone else (if you're reading this, Chilly, just know I do this a lot). Let's see how this turns out! 1. For me laziness is the opposite of creativity. 2. Sarah was the last excellent book I read. 3. I like fill-ins because it is easier than trying to think of my own topic. 4. In nature I like looking at how light plays. 5. My dad should win the US elections. 6. The last time I laughed with all my belly was at work the other week. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to work (and sleeping afterwords). Tomorrow my plans include working some more and Sunday, I want to enjoy a lack of work!

1 comment:

  1. Of COURSE I'm reading (o: We're practically BFFs now.


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