
Why Apple, Why?

Until very recently, I did not care about DRM. I knew it was there, but I was just fine with my itunes + ipod. They worked together, why should I worry about buying songs from the itunes store? I could play them on my computer and my ipod, what more could I want? But now I know the evils therein, and my, how I'm starting to get upset. It all started when I bought my new phone. Much to my delight, I found I could put music on it. Wirelessly, through Bluetooth. Suddenly, I could have two devices in one (I havn't been listening to my ipod very much lately). But then I found out the horrible truth: songs bought in the itunes store are stuck to apple products. Why? DRM. I know why DRM is there (though I doubt it's actually doing much). But hey, I bought that music, I should be able to say when and where and how I play it. So, I'm looking for ways to remove the DRM. I will remove this, and be smart. I will buy somewhere else. Here in fact. With no DRM. Let my music go! Update:I just bought my new song from amazonmp3, and I didn't pay sales tax! Take that, itunes!

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