stat lab
So my statistics lab is held in a computer lab. I still havn't quite figured out why. But, a couple weeks ago I spotted a guy doodling on the computer while the T.A. was speaking. He saved his 'drawing' as the wallpaper, and left it that way. I had forgotten about it until today, when I chose the same computer which still had this picture as a background. Here it is:
Hmm. I wonder why more people don't take stats! It certainly brings out your creative side!
(bonus points for anyone who can tell where my lab is held)

what's up with being tagged?
I actually love being tagged, because I get to promote my friends and say random stuff about me that I wouldn't otherwise.
Anyway, my friend Giovanni reached 40 posts on his blog and decided to tag me. I can either state different facebook groups I'm in (Recently Updated, All Groups, and By Group Member Size. As well as one that I want to share. Also, none of these can be one I admin. Except the one I want to share.) or tell my last few gtalk status'. I've decided it will be easier to do the former, so here we go:
Recently Updated:
First on the list- America vs. Canada - The count to one million
Last on the list- Deseret Towers Rocks!
All Groups:
First on the list- Against "September Dawn"
Last on the list- You know you go to BYU Provo when...
By Group Member Size:
First on the list- Let's set and break a Guiness Record!!!! Approved by guinnessworldrecords.c
Last on the list- The victims of Rebecca Blake's answering machine (anonymous)
I can now mention one group of my choice. Now, I haven't looked through groups lately, but there is one group that I'm an admin in: BYU Network Wall - The After Party (as a note to those who know my real name, it was not me who petitioned for the admin. It was actually a guy friend who chose that particular title for me)
Hmmm, now as to who I shall tag. How about Nanti and Elizabeth?
6 things about me
So Katria tagged everyone who woke up before 8 am and wore blue. I woke up at approxamatly 6:25 and am wearing blue jeans, so I qualify. I'm supposed to give 6 things that you don't already know about me. Let's see...
1- I'm having second thoughts about my major. I might have to change it again.
2- I might be going to Wales next summer...we'll see
3- I love my signature.
4- I need to be organized, or else I go crazy.
5- I have never had a boyfriend.
6- I am finally organized for this semester.
Now, I will tag everyone who stayed up past 10 pm last night.
Blurker Amnesty Day
Several of my friends are doing this, so I figured why not?

I hereby proclaim that September 22nd, 2008 shall be Blurker Amnesty Day. You are probably saying to yourself - "Self, what is Blurker Amnesty Day?" Well this is the day that all blurkers can (and hopefully will) comment and make their presence known without penalty. You may even be saying to yourself - "Self, what is a blurker?" To answer you again, oh inquisitive one - a blurker is a blog lurker. Someone who reads a blog but never posts any comments. So my unobtrusive friend - I am calling you out. In exchange for your comment, you have my solemn promise that I will not stalk you or request a comment from you in the future. Amnesty. In case you are saying to yourself - "Self, how do I comment on a blog?" Well, I can answer that as well. Simply click on the area that says [X comments at the top of this blog post]. You will see a comment box pop up. If you are signed into blogger then you can type your comment and click submit. If you don't have a google account then type your comment and make sure to include your name and perhaps your location (so I know who you are) and select anonymous. Then click submit. It is just that easy! I am not upset that I have blurkers - it doesn't creep me out in the least. I am curious who you are - I crave the human interaction - I can only squeeze so much engaging chatter out of the little ones. Trust me I squeeze them all too much. I am just interested in who is out there. Reading. And not commenting.-Tiburon
C'est Vendredi
1. There is no need to do homework, right?
2. Where in the heck did my sleep time go?
3. Ignoring my life is all I managed to do.
4. Prospects for marriage are nonexistant.
5. "Love me" is the message.
6. Simplicity and tranquility are things I lack.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to going to work (not really looking foreward to it), tomorrow my plans include doing homework and going to work and Sunday, I just want to get a bath or a nap.
riding to school
So this semester I've decided to save some money and live at home. (I still haven't decided whether it is worth it or not.) Since I don't own a car, and don't really want to take the bus, I have secured a ride with a BYU professor who lives in my cul-de-sac (and no, you probably haven't taken classes from him or even heard of him).
Anyway, every morning we leave at aproxamatly 7:30, so we can get a good parking spot underneath the JSFB (this is why I love carpooling with a professor). Today, for example, we left at 7:32. Not bad.
What's really funny is how he drives. Now, he's about the age of my dad, but sometimes I think he drives like a teenager, but better informed. He makes comments like "What are the engeneers thinking? This light is always red when the others are green" or "Let's give this Honda a push, he must think he's out for a Sunday drive". He goes through yellow and "pink"(lights that start out yellow when you enter the intersection, but turn red while you're in there) lights, and weaves in and out of traffic. Of course, I don't usually complain, because we usually get to BYU by 7:45 (today it was about 7:50).
And, of course, the fact that I just have to go up some stairs and I'm on campus. :^)
why life...
I really want to just feel sorry for myself right now. There are some things that really suck. And yet, I know there's good in life. So, this post is in two parts. The first is a list of why life sucks, the second is why life doesn't suck.
why life sucks:
1. school will exhaust me
2. I spend $90 on earphones and can't use them for half of the time
3. my mom is upset due to my grandfather (this is another story for another time, you might not want to know)
4. things aren't always what they seem
5. it's my period
6. I'm sick of it
7. it's not organized
8. I feel inadequate
9. I can't take a nap without Something Happening (a.k.a., my A string on my violin just broke)
10. I can't just move to Houston
Now, so you don't think that I just go around feeling sorry for myself, here are some reason why my life doesn't suck!
1. I have great friends. :^D
2. I can go to school
3. I have a family that loves me
4. I know the Church is true
5. I'm doing something tonight
6. I have no classes on fridays
7. it's fun spending time on campus
8. I have money
9. I can rock out to music
10. there is beauty in it
fire alams & ice cream
So yesterday was great fun. I got to campus and set up in the library, same as usual (I always arrive on campus at 8 am, even though my classes don't start until later). I worked on homework until about 11, when I decieded to just watch the devotional from my computer while keeping track of the Apple event. But, lo and behold, the university felt like they needed to get everyone in the library to devotional. So, what did they do? Set off the fire alarm. Wow. What an experience. I think I had a headache for the rest of the day.
Well, I still wanted to just watch devotional on my computer, so I went to the Talmage building and set up my computer. It was good. :^) I'm also really jelous of the new iPods. But I have mine, and don't really need one. Oh well.
Classes went well. I love my Statistics professor. And I'm really liking Welsh, too.
After my last class I met up with Nanti. I had obtained some ice cream coupons last year and decided to finally use them up. They were for single scoops at the Creamery. Well, Nanti thought that single scoups would be a bit small, so he upgraded our ice creams to double scoops. I just watched in amazement as they piled that ice cream in that little bowl. Wow! Well, Nanti finished his ice cream in about 5 minutes. 10 minutes later I wasn't even half way done, but I was pretty full. So, I decided to take it home and put it in the freezer. I hope that I remember it!
Then, when I got home I still had homework to do (blast it all!). Unfortunatly, my sister had brought her Wii upstairs, along with her Wii Fit, and my family was enjoying watching my dad do all the excersises, while I was trying to do Accounting. Fortunatly I was able to get 6/10 on my quiz, but it's still lower than what I want.
Conclusion: fire alarms bring headaches and I eat ice cream really slowly.
the procrastination begins
So today's what, the second day of school? It's not even like I have that much homework. Things like "fill out this sheet about yourself" and "find five words in Welsh and their definitions". I still resist. Why do anything when you can do nothing. Of course, I still am a bit sick, but that's not really an excuse. So, here's to the start of a beautiful new semester full of procrastinating and feeling the consequences. Long Live Dumb College Students!
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