
what's up with being tagged?

I actually love being tagged, because I get to promote my friends and say random stuff about me that I wouldn't otherwise. Anyway, my friend Giovanni reached 40 posts on his blog and decided to tag me. I can either state different facebook groups I'm in (Recently Updated, All Groups, and By Group Member Size. As well as one that I want to share. Also, none of these can be one I admin. Except the one I want to share.) or tell my last few gtalk status'. I've decided it will be easier to do the former, so here we go: Recently Updated: First on the list- America vs. Canada - The count to one million Last on the list- Deseret Towers Rocks! All Groups: First on the list- Against "September Dawn" Last on the list- You know you go to BYU Provo when... By Group Member Size: First on the list- Let's set and break a Guiness Record!!!! Approved by guinnessworldrecords.c Last on the list- The victims of Rebecca Blake's answering machine (anonymous) I can now mention one group of my choice. Now, I haven't looked through groups lately, but there is one group that I'm an admin in: BYU Network Wall - The After Party (as a note to those who know my real name, it was not me who petitioned for the admin. It was actually a guy friend who chose that particular title for me) Hmmm, now as to who I shall tag. How about Nanti and Elizabeth?

1 comment:

  1. It's actually an officer position, but still, good nickname.


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