

So, I'm only taking three classes this semester. But, if all goes well, I will be working about 40 hours a week. First impression from classes: mission prep: I will not get any dates from this class. And I sat next to someone who's married (who is female). Interest level: 10. This will be amazing. cs 142: The girl:guy ratio is about what I was expecting. Also: apparently if you're married you do better? Interest level: 10. I just hope I don't die. cs 100: Hmmm. Part of me wonders why I'm taking this. Interest level: 6-7. I hope I lose my ego sometime here. I don't really like the idea of getting up at 4 am every morning, but I might not be doing it until next week. We'll see what happens. Maybe someone will not want to wake up at 4 am every morning, and I can take their spot. Hopefully. I need another job!

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