
the tale of my cell phone

It is a sad tale, but one with a happy ending. Full of surprises and, um, intrigue? Never mind, I'll just tell the story.
Friday night I worked, like most friday nights. Which is usually way too busy for my liking. Why does everyone like getting ice cream cones on a Friday night anyway? Just because it's cheap, I guess.
Well, since I like to avoid customers sometimes (shhh, don't tell my boss), I was working in the back, cleaning out fryers and such. We got done early, and I grabbed my phone from my apron (yes, since I was in the back, I had it handier than usual). I was pretty sure I either put it in my pocket, or in my purse. Then, a coworker gave me a ride home.
When I got home, my mom and sister were talking, and I joined the conversation. We were up past 1 am, I believe. So, it wasn't until then that I noticed that I didn't have my phone. This is a bit of a problem, since I don't have an alarm clock in my room, I just use my phone. Luckily, I worked out a way to use my iPod as an alarm, and went to bed. I figured I just left it upstairs, or at worst at Macey's. No big deal.
This morning I got up and looked upstairs. No phone. But, I thought it was probably at Macey's. And, since I worked, I figured I'd find it. Well, I got to work and didn't see it. Asked my coworkers, no one had seen it. I started freaking out. I can't really afford a new phone right now. So, then I told myself it was in my coworkers car. It must have just fallen out of my pocket, and it would be right on the seat. Maybe she even saw it! For, she worked today, too. Maybe she'd bring it in with her.
Well, she arrived, and no phone. But, she figured she probably just didn't see it in her car. After my pitiful 2 hour shift, I borrowed her keys and went to look for it.
And it wasn't there. At all.
I searched everywhere in her car that my phone could possibly be. It was nowhere to be found. By this time, I'm really scared. I don't want to lose my phone. There's important stuff on it. Pictures, phone numbers, losing it would be awful.
But, as I'm walking back to give my coworker her keys, and idea pops into my head, an inspired idea: check the lost and found. Maybe it did fall somewhere, and someone picked it up, and turned it in. I figured I might as well check.
I went to the service desk and asked "Do you have a phone?"
"Is it red?" she asked.
"Yes." Then, she handed me my phone.
And all was right in the world, once again



yes or no

RULES: 1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No. 2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and asks. -- and believe me, the temptation to explain some of these will be overwhelming nothing is exactly as it seems and....here we goooooo........ Kissed any one of your Facebook friends?--- YES Been arrested? --- NO Kissed someone you didn't like? --- NO Slept in until 5 PM? --- NO Fallen asleep at work/school? --- YES Held a snake? --- NO Ran a red light? --- YES Been suspended from school? --- NO Experienced love at first sight? --- NO Totaled your car in an accident? --- NO Been fired from a job? --- NO Fired somebody? --- NO Sang karaoke? --- YES Pointed a gun at someone? --- NO Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? --- YES Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? --- NO Caught a snowflake on your tongue? --- YES Kissed in the rain? --- NO Had a close brush with death (your own)? --- NO Seen someone die? --- YES Played spin-the-bottle? --- NO Sang in the shower? --- YES Smoked a cigar? --- NO Sat on a rooftop? --- YES Smuggled something into another country? --- NO Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? --- NO Broken a bone? --- NO Skipped school? --- YES Eaten a bug? --- NO Sleepwalked? --- NO Walked a moonlit beach? --- NO Rode a motorcycle? -- NO Dumped someone? --- NO Forgotten your anniversary? --- NO Lied to avoid a ticket? ---- NO Ridden on a helicopter? --- NO Shaved your head? --- NO Played a prank on someone? --- YES Hit a home run? -- NO Felt like killing someone? --- YES Cross-dressed? --- NO Been falling-down drunk? --- NO Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? --- NO Eaten snake? --- NO Marched/Protested? --- NO Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? --- NO Puked on amusement ride? --- NO Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? --- NO Been in a band? --- NO Knitted? --- YES Been on TV? --- NO Shot a gun? --- NO Skinny-dipped? --- NO Caused someone to have stitches? --- NO Eaten a whole habenero pepper? --- NO Ridden a surfboard? --- NO Had surgery? --- NO Streaked? --- NO Taken by ambulance to hospital? --- NO Passed out when not drinking? --- NO Peed on a bush? --- NO Donated Blood? --- YES Grabbed electric fence? --- NO Eaten alligator meat? --- NO Eaten cheesecake? --- YES Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? --- NO Killed an animal when not hunting? --- NO Peed your pants in public? --- YES Snuck into a movie without paying? --- NO Written graffiti? --- NO Still love someone you shouldn't? --- NO Think about the future? --- YES Been in handcuffs? --- NO Believe in love? --- YES Sleep on a certain side of the bed? --- YES


It's still friday, technically...

1. Moving: it's what I'm doing next week! 2. Love is free. 3. My best quality is my sense of humor. 4. details details...who needs them? (besides me, of course) 5. In nearly 10 years, I might have finally graduated collage. 6. Sleep and finishing my book is what I need right now! 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing cute boy from work and getting out of work early, tomorrow my plans include going through boxes and Sunday, I want to sleep!


when my hair turned straight, then back to curly

So, yeah. Hi! I've been busy. Maybe? Here are some pictures from last week. And I have more, once I get them off my camera.
Wednesday I spent the day with my great friend, Elizabeth (I've sort of given up on calling people by fake names. I guess I'm not really creative or something. Oh well, if you know which elizabeth this is, you're a genius anyway). She's going on a mission in August, so I wanted to hang out with her before she went home in June.
We went to the temple, which is always a great experience. I need to go more often, really. Then we had breakfast. She made me waffles! Such a great friend. Then she took a nap. And I hung out online. Which is what I love to do. Which is probably a bad thing.
Anyway, when she woke up, we decided to have lunch - sandwiches! But then we wanted to go swimming, but we couldn't, since we just ate. Whoops. It was all good though, I talked with someone on line, and that was happy. :^)
So, we finally went swimming, though the water was FREEZING! We basically stayed in the sauna most of the time. Which was fun. Then we went back and showered. and then, Elizabeth straightened my hair! Here are pics, taken from my computer (which was on my lap):
At the beginning. Now, I didn't do anything to my hair after I got out of the shower (except we towel dried it a bit). I usually don't go out in public like this...
My hair is quite thick...
Halfway there!
Doing the back. And smiling oddly. Wait, that's just her excited smile.
Almost done.
The finished product. I don't know, it looks kind of weird to me. Most people said I looked pretty good, but my sister and brother-in-law said I looked like i belonged in an '80's rock band. What do you think?
And, my hair today (did I mention that I got a haircut last week? I don't remember...)


'tis friday.

1. If we had no winter I'd be happier sometimes. 2. Life is a perpetual astonishment. 3. If I had my life to live over I wouldn't worry so much. 4. Amazing how much I can do inside of four and twenty hours. 5. If you've never been thrilled don't worry, it's coming. 6. To be interested in the changing seasons just pay attention to Utah weather: sunny one day, snow the next! 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to working/seeing someone, tomorrow my plans include helping my sister work and Sunday, I want to go to choir!



So, it went well. :^D
And we're hanging out thursday.
Life's great.
I remember why I avoid wal-mart: I have no money.
I like having 3 days off in a row.
My sister is moving out. Which means I'm moving in to the basement apartment.
I got my hair cut. It's weird. And really short.
I like having my mom home. She actually cooks!
Happy Tuesday!


friday - on cloud nine

Don't worry, I'll tell you all about the date when I have time. Just know this - it went really well. :^D
1. Apples are to oranges as texting is to talking in person - similar, but not enough that one counts as another.
2. Last night was awesome! and that's all I have to say about that.
3. I think I hear birds singing.
4. I love the flag.
5. Do what you want to do, but I don't have to join in.
6. There he was and behind him was a Radio Flyer wagon; in the wagon was a bucket filled with worms.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing him, tomorrow my plans include going to a wedding reception and a game night and Sunday, I want to celebrate mother's day with my mom.



On Saturday I got a check in the mail for $375 - apparently they overcharged me on one of my tests.
So now for the real question - what to do with it?
I could:
- buy an iPod Touch
- buy a guitar
- pay for a plane ticket to New York
- put it towards my road trip
- put it towards books/tuition
- buy clothes
- buy makeup
- be boring and save it
What would you do with an extra $375?


awesome possum

So, this week has been interesting. I got a new nephew and a flat tire on Monday (no, you don't get to hear the story about the flat now. Maybe later, like in 10 years when I don't feel so stupid).
I don't remember much of Tuesday or Wednesday (I guess they were that bad, I blocked them out. :^D ). Yesterday I finally made it to bed on time. And tonight, well tonight was fun. :^D
So, about last Thursday or Friday, it came time for me to take my break. I pulled out the leftovers I had brought, and was about to put in my earbuds to listen to my iPod, when a guy asked "Can I sit by you?" It was another employee, one I had probably seen before, but never really talked to that much. And I never remembered having a break with him before. (But usually when I take my break, there aren't many/any other employees taking breaks. At least not where I take my break). So, I was a little surprised. But, since I'm friendly, I said yes.
And we talked for 15 minutes (the length of his break). We talked about all sorts of things. It was fun. And when he had to go, I found myself thinking "Huh, I want to talk to him again. Too bad I'll probably never have a break with him again" (He had mentioned that he was running a little late on his break). I was a little sad, but went on with my night, same as usual.
Saturday I was working, and he stopped by to get dinner. I wished it was time for me to take my break, but alas, I couldn't take it for another 30 minutes +, and by that time he was off his break.
This past week I saw him little (either he brought his own lunch, or he bought something when I was otherwise occupied), until today, when I went out to take my break and saw him sitting there, and asked if I could join him.
We had a very nice conversation about guitars and animated films (I don't remember how they're connected, actually. hmmm...). And it ended with him asking me out. And, of course, I said yes. (During the whole conversation I was trying to figure out a way to ask him out, but I think this way's better. ;^) )
Now, to be honest, he never actually said "Will you go on a date with me?". It was more "We should hang out sometime", and then "What about next Thursday?" and then "Well, I don't usually watch movies on a first date, but we'll see" (I figure that since he did mention date, that it is a date. And if it ends up not being one, I'll ask him out anyway).
So, next Thursday after work I have a date. Am I crazy? Perhaps. I will get little sleep that night. But will it be worth it? I say yes.

friday fill-ins, explained

So, it has come to my attention that not everyone knows what fridays are all about. I get this template from a blog called, unsurprisingly, friday fill-ins. The writer of this blog creates sentences, but you have to fill in the blanks with whatever you feel like. Here's this weeks:
1. The first rule of working in an office and getting along is actually working in an office, something I've never done.
2. My dad loves clams.
3. When I think of carnivals I think of the old Valtek Carnival my family used to go to every year (my dad used to work for Valtek).
4. I don't know my favorite spring flower. (there are too many good ones!)
5. Things on my desk include um, I actually don't have a desk right now, maybe next month.
6. Having a bad day makes me wanna take a bath and ignore the world.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to work (not really), tomorrow my plans include cleaning my room and Sunday, I want to make cookies, since I'm assigned to bring treats this week!