
awesome possum

So, this week has been interesting. I got a new nephew and a flat tire on Monday (no, you don't get to hear the story about the flat now. Maybe later, like in 10 years when I don't feel so stupid).
I don't remember much of Tuesday or Wednesday (I guess they were that bad, I blocked them out. :^D ). Yesterday I finally made it to bed on time. And tonight, well tonight was fun. :^D
So, about last Thursday or Friday, it came time for me to take my break. I pulled out the leftovers I had brought, and was about to put in my earbuds to listen to my iPod, when a guy asked "Can I sit by you?" It was another employee, one I had probably seen before, but never really talked to that much. And I never remembered having a break with him before. (But usually when I take my break, there aren't many/any other employees taking breaks. At least not where I take my break). So, I was a little surprised. But, since I'm friendly, I said yes.
And we talked for 15 minutes (the length of his break). We talked about all sorts of things. It was fun. And when he had to go, I found myself thinking "Huh, I want to talk to him again. Too bad I'll probably never have a break with him again" (He had mentioned that he was running a little late on his break). I was a little sad, but went on with my night, same as usual.
Saturday I was working, and he stopped by to get dinner. I wished it was time for me to take my break, but alas, I couldn't take it for another 30 minutes +, and by that time he was off his break.
This past week I saw him little (either he brought his own lunch, or he bought something when I was otherwise occupied), until today, when I went out to take my break and saw him sitting there, and asked if I could join him.
We had a very nice conversation about guitars and animated films (I don't remember how they're connected, actually. hmmm...). And it ended with him asking me out. And, of course, I said yes. (During the whole conversation I was trying to figure out a way to ask him out, but I think this way's better. ;^) )
Now, to be honest, he never actually said "Will you go on a date with me?". It was more "We should hang out sometime", and then "What about next Thursday?" and then "Well, I don't usually watch movies on a first date, but we'll see" (I figure that since he did mention date, that it is a date. And if it ends up not being one, I'll ask him out anyway).
So, next Thursday after work I have a date. Am I crazy? Perhaps. I will get little sleep that night. But will it be worth it? I say yes.


  1. YAHOO!!!! THAT IS GREAT!! who is it?!?!

  2. Guess. Or text me and I'll tell you. :^D

  3. Just wondering, what part of the flat tire incident do you feel stupid about?


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