

I'm still here.
I should be going to bed. But I wanted to say hello.
Life's not bad. Just interesting. It keeps catching me off guard. Maybe one day I'll be ready for it.
I'm trying to go back to getting more than 6 hours of sleep a night. Last night didn't work. Maybe tonight will.
I worked about 52 hours last week. I'm scheduled 37 this week. I have 3 days off. I've already had one. I dread going back to Macey's Wednesday.
Speaking of Macey's, my official last day is the 4th of July. My own personal independence day if you will. I've worked there so long, which really isn't that long, that I really just need to get a different job. But I'll stick with early morning custodial for a while.
I love having my sister here. I wish I was taking more pictures. But it's more fun without having to worry about a camera. Especially with the kids.
I'm officially back into one room, after 2 weeks of having stuff in two rooms. I have decided I have far too much stuff, but I don't know what to get rid of. Drat.
A friend of mine recently got unlimited texting. I think I'm going to be on my phone way too much when I'm not at the computer. I wish I could hang out with him more in real life, though. :)
Daily Gratitudes - I stole this from a fellow blogger, although stole isn't the right word, she's giving it away fair and square. She just says about 5 things at the end of each post that she's thankful for that day. Here are mine:
1- the internet. specifically, being able to talk to a friend on the internet.
2- I now have a fan in my room. which means I can now fall asleep to the sound of a fan, which is what I'm used to. hopefully this will help me fall asleep faster tonight.
3- having days off with no plans.
4- someone I can randomly text and have them text me back.
5- a dad who can install ceiling fans and fix lights and a million other things - when he's not in Australia.

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