
A new toy

So last week I got a new toy: an iPod touch. I've been wanting one of these and had been saving up since at least April. When apple released their new generation of iPods, I knew my time had come. I was going to get one at the BYU bookstore, but they took longer than I wanted to get the new iPod touches in. Oddly enough, they had all other new models in, just not the touches. So, I borrowed Liz and went to Best Buy. And it was fun. And shiner. And I got a case, so it stays shiny. Except basically all they had was pink. And my iPod is named Calcifer. And pink is no color fit for a fire demon. So I'm looking online for a cool orange or blue or orange and blue one. ( if anyone has any suggestions, it would be most appreciated) So that's the main news right now. And the fact that homework is killing me slowly and I am in fact sick. Whoops. (yes, I did type this whole thong on my iPod. I need the practice. ;) )


I'm here. Maybe.

So, I've been meaning to blog all week. But, school started, and with it came a giant pile of homework. :D To recap my week:
Monday school started. Yay? It's exciting, but I have lots of math homework. Due every day. I hope I don't die. My Computer Science classes sound fun. I'm excited to learn more Java.
Tuesday the concert was "postponed". Also, I bought a guitar. A nice, expensive guitar. A post will follow. Sometime this semester. :D
Wednesday I got to play the guitar. And learn 2 cords. That I've been trying to practice. That I've been killing my fingers on. I hope callesus form soon! Also, more math. Like, 3 hours of it.
Thursday was long. I got up at 4 (like usual) and wasn't able to get to bed until past 11. Yikes! But, my computer animation class is worth it. I made a snowman! Woot!
Friday I about died. But, I didn't. And it was fun. I did more math. And hung out with a friend of my roommate (as well as my roommate). Then tried to go to bed early. And failed.
Today I had a nice breakfast, cooked mainly by my most awesome roommate. I helped a little, and did the dishes. :D Also, I'm supposed to be doing more math. But, my brain is dying and not understanding some of this. So, I'm blogging instead.
Mondays a holiday, which means no work! Or school! Hanging out with family, and some of my roommates family.
Maybe one day I'll get around to posting about my trip to New York (upstate, not the city), but don't hold your breath. Because if this week is any indication, I will be doing math almost everyday for the next 3 months. Really. Like, 2 hours at least. Every day. Except Sunday.
But, I have a guitar! And a awesome roommate! And cookie dough! And that makes everything happy. :D