
A new toy

So last week I got a new toy: an iPod touch. I've been wanting one of these and had been saving up since at least April. When apple released their new generation of iPods, I knew my time had come. I was going to get one at the BYU bookstore, but they took longer than I wanted to get the new iPod touches in. Oddly enough, they had all other new models in, just not the touches. So, I borrowed Liz and went to Best Buy. And it was fun. And shiner. And I got a case, so it stays shiny. Except basically all they had was pink. And my iPod is named Calcifer. And pink is no color fit for a fire demon. So I'm looking online for a cool orange or blue or orange and blue one. ( if anyone has any suggestions, it would be most appreciated) So that's the main news right now. And the fact that homework is killing me slowly and I am in fact sick. Whoops. (yes, I did type this whole thong on my iPod. I need the practice. ;) )

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