
So, whatever happened to Me?

So, long story. Let's see if I can write it all!

First off, I am home. Yay home! England was nice, but near the end I got really really homesick, and being home is just nice. I flew home Monday (with my Parents). It was a very long day, with one nine hour flight and one four hour flight. But, I made it here all in one piece!

So, I know I said I was going to blog. But then life happened. Like always. It turns out the internet/phone was cut off. I guess they didn't send the bill to my uncle, so he couldn't pay it, so they didn't get money. And they cut us off. Not fun. We still could receive phone calls, so that was nice, but that was it. Nothing else. No calling people. No internet. I was able to check my email a few times at my uncles house, but that was basically it. Not fun.

It was an adventure, trying to finding things to do when I would have been online. I read more. I thought more (scary!). But, I was able to spend more time with my family, which is what really counts. I really do love my family.

So, all in all it was two weeks without internet. Except for a few random days. It was hard, but doable. Especially since there was so much to do there. Could I do it now? Probably not. Now that I'm at the right time zone, people are actually online (usually) for me to talk to them! Amazing!

Now if I could only get rid of this jet lag...

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