
How it all started (surgery pt 1)

So, I guess Some people out there want to hear about how this whole heart surgery started. Silly people. You think you have rights to hear my story? Well, I guess I did start this blog to tell my story, and this is a pretty big thing, ok, you guys win. But I'll tell it my way.

MY way!

*evil laugh*

Ok, so I'm not sure how far back to go. Last may (2009) I found out about my athero-stenosis. I blogged about it back then. I'm not going to look it up right now. Because I don't feel like it, that's why. Should I send you back to bed? Let's continue then.

So that was diagnosed. I knew I had a problem, but the Doctor said it wasn't that bad, and I felt mostly ok, so I was fine, right? Sure.

Fast forward to June. Yep, three months ago. I had an MRI. Checked up on it. "The valve's a little smaller, but nothing to worry about" he said. "Surgery is still years away."

"But I'm tired all the time," I said. "nomatteer how much or how little sleep I get, I'm always tired!"

"Excersize more," he said. And I tried.

But it was hard. And so I still was tired. And figured everything was my fault. Because hey, I was the one not excersizing, right?

Well, fast forward to the first week of August. I went to a womans conference. It was wonderful. All about improving yourself inside and out. It was up on the University of Utahs campus (I know, they're evil; but I finilly figured out WHY they're evil).

The conference started on Monday. On Thursday morning I had intense chest pain. And I mean INTENSE!! Everything hurt, I didn't want to move, didn't want to breathe, ugh. We went to the U of U ER (5 minutes away). They gave me morphine, ran an intense Echo-Cardiogram, and declared my stenosis to be 'severe' rather than 'mild to moderate'.

Ok kids, that's enough for tonight. It's time to go to bed. I'll tell you more tomorrow, ok? But you have to eat your vegetables. Yes, that includes you, Holly.

Next up: my first stay in the hospital and how dentists are related to heart sergeons.

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