

It has come to my attention that there are people at BYU who actually make lenton vows and keep them. Some of the one's I've heard of include giving up: commas, facebook, music, etc. Well, this year I have decided to make my own vow. It's going to be hard, but nececarry. I'm giving up The Board. It'll be hard, but I've noticed that every morning I can't get anything done until I read The Board, and my daily blogs. I'll probably even stop the blogs. I need to do this, to give myself the extra hour of studying every morning that's essential to my grades this semester. On another note: today my roommate said that last night I was singing, not talking, but singing in my sleep. I've always wanted to talk in my sleep, but that is soo much cooler. unfortunately, she didn't recognize the song, so I have no idea what I was singing. Still, it's almost been a goal for me to do some odd thing during my sleep. And, now it's fulfilled. I wonder what I should make an almost goal about next...

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