
that "25 things" tag

So, I didn't actually think I'd get tagged for this. I had heard about it on twitter (yes, on twitter, not facebook), but I didn't really think that 1 - my friends would do it or 2 - I'd get tagged with it. Guess I was wrong on both counts. Since I've never done a note on facebook, why start now? I'll just do it now, and not have to tag anyone (unless you want to be. but you've probably done this on facebook or something)
  1. my computer is my baby. seriously, I love this thing so much. he makes me happy, even if he is schizophrenic.
  2. I love my camera. I guess I should say I love all my electronics, even if I do want to replace my ipod (I love you anyway, Alexa!)
  3. oh, I name all my electronics. I used to name them after guys I had crushes on, but that didn't last long. now I just give them names I like. Oh, and once I was really bored and came up with this story where all my electronics fell in love with one another...it was great.
  4. I've never broken a bone. I've only been to the emergency room once, and that was because I sliced part of my finger off (it was only a small piece, but it was big enough to cause alarm. it was quite the night)
  5. I love to cook. I really should do it more often, since it's fun. but I don't really like the cleaning up part. except I really do like doing the dishes. which is weird.
  6. which brings me to the next thing, I love water. All forms of water. I love swimming. I love taking a bath. I love doing the dishes. I love washing my hands. water is amazing. just writing this makes me want to take a bath. too bad it's too late... for me at least.
  7. I've been to a lot of places. England three times, technically. Canada. Mexico. Jamaica. Grand Cayman. Driven across the western part of the US a lot. Not really been to the East though. But I want to go to New York soon (I love you Liz!)
  8. my neice lives downstairs. she's the cutest little girl.
  9. I may be additcted to peanut M&M's. too bad they're on sale at Macey's right now. I have to keep reminding myself I'm broke.
  10. I love going barefoot. Shoes are okay, I guess. But feeling something with my feet is an experience I treasure.
  11. English food is awesome. like Bubble and Squeak, which is when you boil veggies (like potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onion, etc), and then you fry it. yum!
  12. I really like cnet. It's awesome.
  13. I'm addicted to music. I really can't stand silence, although why I'm not sure. I always have at least 3 or 4 things on my music wishlist. If ever I become a millionare, I'd probably spend it all on music.
  14. I had a dream last night that I designed a web page. It was awesome. I'm glad that I've finally found a major that I love, that I don't have to worry about intense competition to get in, that I might actually be good at.
  15. I hate saying goodbye. No matter who I say it to, it sucks.
  16. I don't like crispy cookies. They need to be nice and soft. Preferably warm. MMMM....
  17. I woke up this morning at 4 am with energy. I don't know how I did it. Hopefully it will stay around for a while.
  18. I like the Talmage building. Even though it's not as pretty as the Tanner building. (what is it with me and buildings that start with the letter T?)
  19. I want to play in the rain right now. I want to get sick from it. Maybe I just want an excuse to put my life on hold?
  20. Chocolate will be the death of me. Really.
  21. I can't live without my laptop. It's all but surgically attached.
  22. I'm learning to like morning. Except I'm still a night owl. Maybe I just won't sleep anymore.
  23. I really want to do something fun this summer, and so far I have a few options. I hope that at least one of them works out!
  24. Webcomics rock. I am addicted to at least 3 of them. If not more.
  25. It was really hard for me to come up with these 25 items. And it took me a few days to do it, too. Here's hoping you learned something about me.


  1. I think these are fun to read! I did one on facebook, you should take a look!

  2. You did it! Good job :) I don't remember you being so water-crazy... My fav is probably number 7 (for obvious reasons)


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