
the test

So, there's this possibility that I might be lactose intolerant. Something about half my family suffering from this, and according to my mom I've been showing symptoms my whole life. Not sure I believe her.
Anyway, while I was at the doctors last week, my mom asked him about it, since I wasn't going to. He said I could do this really expensive test, or do a free test of my own. Of course I'm *totally* made of money, so I chose the free option (duh!).
The test is this: go one week without any dairy. No butter, milk, or, worst of all, cheese. Then, you get a big glass of milk, drink it, and see what happens. It should be fairly obvious if you're intolerant or not.
My biggest problem is the cheese. I don't really eat real butter, I don't like drinking real milk, and I've not been craving ice cream lately. But I absolutely adore cheese. It's one of my three main food groups (which are, by the way, chocolate, cheese, and everything else).
Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. That reminds me of the week where I ate as much wheat as possible so they could cut pieces out of me and send them to Texas. Good luck with your not-eating-cheese-ness!


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