Monday: Pick up CS 142 final. Try not to faint in horror. Work both jobs.
Tuesday: Turn in Mission Prep final. Work on 142 final. Work one job.
Wednesday: Turn in 142 final. Breath a sigh of relief that finals are done. Work both jobs.
Thursday. Go to the Cardiologist. Find out details about my heart. Work both jobs.
Friday: Say goodbye to my friend. Clean the house. Work both jobs.
Saturday: Finish planning my summer. Work one job.
Yes, I'm working 43 hours next week. While finishing up school. I sort of hate my manager at Macey's. But, someone left at the Deli, so I 'get' to pick up some of her hours. Go me. I guess I'll like my paycheck.
As a side note, I hope the snow's gone for good this time. Hear that Winter? It's over, give up. You're just giving Utah weather a bad name.
Who left the deli?