

Since I'm currently boring, I'm going to do this. I stole it from my friend Sam. yay.

1.What's your current obsession?
Um, scanning stuff? Or maybe that's just what my mom's obsessed with, and has me do...

2.What's your zodiacal sign? Do you identify with it?
I'm a Scorpio. And I think it's a bunch of BS.

3.What are you wearing today?
Jeans. T-shirt. Brown Jacket. I had a scarf on earlier, but when I came inside it's warm enough to not need it.

4.What's the last thing you purchased?
Something in the US. I actually can't remember. Or maybe, I did use my mums money to buy some conditioner and hot chocolate over here. So I guess that counts. But it was my mums money. score!

5.What do you think about the person who blog I took this from?
He's weird. And a guy.

6.What's for dinner?
Elizabeth's cooking - yay! Except we don't have an oven. So, she's making speghetti. Go her.

7.What's your favorite decade?
Um, not this one. And I don't really know any other decades. So I'm going to say 1520's. But, um, BC. Because BC rocks.

8.What are your summer must haves?
A job. That's about it. I'd really love a vacation, but that's not a 'I have to go somewhere or else I'm going to die' thing. It's a 'I want to go visit family and friends, woot!' thing.

9.What would you love to do?
Um, I don't think you want to know...

10. What's your favorite item from your wardrobe?
My current wardrobe? Prolly my brown jacket, or my new BYU hoodie.
My future rock-awesome wardrobe? Prolly my rock awesome jacket. But I don't have money for one. Yet.

11.What's your dream job?
See, this is a problem. Because I still don't know. Which is why I'm on my third major and am considering ditching it.

12.What's your favorite magazine?

13.What's the biggest fashion faux pas?
Wearing white socks with a black outfit.

14.Describe your style.
Usually jeans and a t-shirt. It's weird, because I constantly feel under-dressed in England. It makes me want to blow all my money on a new wardrobe.

15.Favorite Beatle?
What, the bug?

16.What are your proud of?
Currently? Nothing.


  1. *Comment* Words don't exist to describe me yet, eh?

  2. well, maybe not words appropriate for this blog...

  3. Ouch, a low blow. A low blow indeed.

  4. I notice you don't deny it...

  5. Deny what? Deny that our time apart and England has clearly set you against me? Or deny you your opinion that you need inappropriate words to describe me?

    Or maybe I misinterpreted and you feel that lavish praises aren't appropriate here?

  6. That's for me to know...and you to wonder about.

  7. If I'm left to wonder about it, then there is nothing to deny, or support, as there is no accusation.

    Thus, I'm Scott-free!

  8. ... Blast. It's praises of acclamation, isn't it?

    Why couldn't it be the vulgarity?

  9. Oh, you caught me. You're just SUCH an AMAZING guy...

  10. I knew... wait, what's this blade in my chest? It's labeled 'Sarcasm', and it's... pierced me to my heart.

    Losing consciousness... *gurgle.....*

  11. It is my second language...sorry.


If you feel so inclined, leave a thought. It doesn't even have to make sense!