

I was all set to do a "My Favorite Monday", where the favorite today is Summertime activity. I was going to talk about going to England. But then I decided if all I did on my blog was follow templates of others, is it really mine? Am I really writing down what's me? Yes, I follow the guidelines. I insert a little blurb. But I didn't come up with any of it. I'm just following others. And yet, sometimes it's really hard to come up with things to blog about. As Nanti-Sarrmm said recently "To move this blog away from an entire diary like thing" I don't want this to be a play by play of my life. I don't just want to say today I did this. Or tomorrow I'll do that. But, I'm not a writer. And I don't have huge opinions on things. I ignore the news because it depresses me. Maybe my lack of ideas is purely my own fault. My question to you is: How do you come up with things to say to actually make people think? What types of things do you want to read on my blog? What are some good ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Comments on movies, thoughts on the olympics, the Russian invasion of Georgia? Something Funny?


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