
book tag

Although I technically wasn't tagged by name, they said that I could consider myself tagged if I wanted to be, and I've read a few people who have done this, and have wanted an excuse to do it myself. The 'nearest' book to me is called "The Shining Ones". Page 123 sentence 5 reads:
"Mirtai," Stragen said with a pained look, "I love you like a sister, but burglary's a fine art."
I hope that inspires you all to go read the book, burning with curiousity. (Actually, If you do want to read this, it's book two in a series, and there's a previous series you need to have read before reading this one. So it might be easier to just ask me for a summery.) Here are the rules: If you've been tagged: 1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages). 2. Turn to page 123. 3. Find the 5th sentence 4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog. 5. Tag 5 people. The 5 people I tag are as follows: 1. Roommate 2. Chilly 3. bobtheenchantedone 4. Nanti-SARRMM 5. Anyone else who reads my blog and wants to do it!

1 comment:

  1. I did this a few months ago but was at work so the only book close to me was a quad. I just thought "I can try again with a new book!" and looked for the closest book to me (I'm at home this time). Yeah, the quad again. Either I'm really spiritual or don't read by my computer desk a lot... (the scriptures are here for Svitheing)


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