when a watched pot can boil...
In my foods lab today, I made deviled eggs. Now, deviled eggs require hard-cooked eggs, and hard-cooked eggs require boiling water. I did learn that you're not supposed to keep the eggs in boiling water for very long. Once they reach a boil, you're supposed to turn the heat down and simmer them. Now, I did put the eggs in before the water boiled, but I feel this is still valid. I put the eggs in, turned the heat on, and watched it. And yes, it did boil as you can see. And even though it was my first time making deviled eggs, they came out great! Just look at them!
In other news, I caught a bug from my brother (not Anarchy), Eeyore, or Tiggr. Apparently they've all had it this past week. I'm sorry if I give it to you! It's only supposed to last for 24 hours. I hope so!
There was something else I was going to say. But now I can't remember it. Sort of how I can't remember where I put my keys (yes, they have been MIA since Saturday night/Sunday morning). Has anyone seen them? I really need them.
I'm driving to school tomorrow. Since I have a late class (it gets out at 9 pm) and few buses run that late, I usually get a ride from my mom or dad. But, since they're out of town I get to take the car. Yay! I think...
I keep thinking random thoughts, things that I want to twitter, but I'm not sure they'd be appropriate for twitter. So I don't post them. I have a lot of random thoughts. Maybe one day I'll share some with you. (Or at least some of the crazier ones. I guess this whole blog is random thoughts)
It's really hard to not spend money when it's sitting in your bank account. I know that it's for more important things (tuition, a plane ticket) but there seem to be too many things around that I "need". Of course I talk myself out of it. I just fear for my bank account. Luckily payday is soon...maybe I'll save up and splurge!
Well, this is longer than I thought it would be, and I have a little homework, then I'm going to a Hockey game tonight! I've never been to a Hockey game, so this should be interesting. There will be pictures (hopefully). Or at the least a post about it tomorrow.
Have a great Wednesday! Halloween is just around the corner!
Guess What!
No, I don't have a date, my brother hasn't killed me, and my homework's not even done!
But, I do feel excited for some reason. Who knows, maybe it's a good sign.
I slept in this morning. It was bad. I had four minutes from the time I woke up to the time my ride picked me up. Not a good start. I didn't get to shower, and I forgot my wallet at home. At least I had some gum in my backpack!
The funny thing is, the day went along just fine anyway. I wasn't terribly grouchy, I got things done, and everything worked out. You'd think that I'd have an awful day, after that start. But I didn't.
I guess you'd call this the "power of positive thinking". I call it a miracle.
The thing is, I'm not one of those people who wake up every morning determined to be happy no matter what. I'm swayed by my circumstances (I know, it's bad. I'm working on it). So today, when I got in my rides car, I was frazzled. I had hurried, I didn't get breakfast, a shower, or even time to myself.
But, in the car, we're listening to a book. "The Alchemist" By Paulo Coelho. It's quite an interesting story, about a boy who sells everything to follow his dream. We're only partway through, but I find it fascinating. The thing is, it got me away from thinking about my troubles, and I started thinking "What is my dream?"
Of course the trouble with that is I have no idea. I drift from one idea to another. I look here and there. Maybe I should take a break from life and travel. Then again, I know that's a bad idea. You can't run from life. It just follows you around, until you turn and face it.
I guess this is the part where I talk about prayer, and faith, and trusting in the Lord. I'm working on it. I don't know why trusting is so hard. In my mind, it seems so easy - trust Him, then you don't have to worry about it, just follow Him. In reality, it's exponentially harder. Maybe I like punishing myself with the worry? Who knows.
I just keep trudging along. Hopefully one day it will all click and I'll be able to be happy on my own, find my dream and trust in the Lord.
PS. If you want to offer me a date, I probably won't say no ;^)
I'm not dead yet! (and two year olds stop being cute after 9 pm)
So Anarchist and I are actually getting along so far. No arguments, just playing around. I wondered how long it would take for the house to become a mess, I just didn't realize it would be less than 24 hours. Sheesh. I guess that's one problem: neither of us like doing dishes.
So tonight my sister and her husband (Tiggr and Eeyore, respectively) along with their daughter (the Cute One) who live in the basement came upstairs to play games. Also our friends (Rosanne and Jeramey) came over with their daughter, Ada. Cute one is two, and Ada is one, and they are the best of friends. So cute.
the Cute One
Eeyore and Scotland Yard
Anyway, back to tonight. First, we played a game called Ticket to Ride. Very fun. I, of course, lost miserably. (seriously, I had 31 points, the next person up had 103). But, it was fun anyway. By the time we were done with that game it was about 9 pm. No big deal you think, until you take into account that Cute One's bedtime is 8. And I'm sure Ada's is about then to, or earlier. But, us adults weren't ready to call it a night. So what did we do? We pulled out another game. Scotland Yard. Super fun, but also long. We finally called it quits about 10. And we were only partway through. Ada had luckily fallen asleep on her father, but Cute One was not acting so cute. She was so irritable, I felt sorry for her.
Ada and Me!
But, I love hanging out with friends, even if some of my friends are actually married with children (I just steal their kids. hee hee hee). What makes it even funner is both Tiggr and Roseanne are pregnant, so they talked about that too. It makes me want my own, but hey, number one I'm not married and number two I'm so not ready for that sort of responsibility. So instead I'm just a good aunt. And friend. Yay!
will we survive?
So, today both my mom and my dad left. I guess they think that now that Anarchist and I are adults, we can fend for ourselves. Well, since they left us a car we can go to the store (aside from the fact we both work at Macey's the grocery store), and we have mac & cheese pretty much down. No, the real concern is: will we kill each other?
Growing up, we were always at each others' necks. I regret to say this, but I was not perfect (and I still am not). As we grew older, it got a little better. We weren't fighting as much, and we could at least be in the same room at each other. Then he went on his mission, and I went off to college. Unfortunately, old habits are sometimes hard to break.
So, if I don't post again, you'll know what happened to me. Just be sure to track down my brother.
friday. yay!
1. Right now, I'm feeling joyous! (my neice is adorable)
2. Having fun is where I want to be.
3. How does one learn to fly?
4. Thinking of the future keeps me on track.
5. Please don't make me cry.
6. Memories fills me with joy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finishing homework, tomorrow my plans include sleeping in and Sunday, I want to take a bath!
I'm taking a step. for the better or the worse, I've signed up for NaNoWriMo.
What is NaNoWriMo? I'll explain what I know of it. Better yet, I'll let the website speak for itself (boring, I know):
National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30.While I was growing up, I always wanted to be an author when I grew up. It was a fact of life. I loved to read, so why couldn't I write? Well, that's when I met up with High School English and got scared to death. I don't get grammar. Pronouns? Adjectives? Who cares? I know little of plot, and antagonist vs protagonist, but that's about it. But, even though my dream is hidden, it's still there. Thanks to my friend bob for introducing me to NaNoWriMe. She did it last year, and has been promoting it all around. I looked at the website, and thought "Nah, I can't do that! This year is too busy, maybe next year." But, characters started appearing in my head. And they won't go away. There are ideas there, waiting to be written. I can't promise that I'll post any of it here, I can't promise I'll even finish. But I'm going to try. No matter what happens this November, I want to try to write a novel. Who knows, I might even make it.
there's nothing else out there
This is just hilarious. Hee hee hee.
Note: This is from a comedy duo, not an actual interview.
this really cool person
So, I've never actually meet alishka babushka, but I love to read her blog. Right now, she's doing a give away, and your chances are quite high that you'll win! So go check her out.
“Slipped Away”
I've decided to do something fun! These 'playlist' things are always hilarious, and sometimes surprisingly accurate.
* Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, MP3 Player, or whatever on Shuffle.
* For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
* You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
* Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
1. If someone says, “Is this okay?” You say?
1. “Just Stand Up!”
2. no comment
2. How would you describe yourself?
1. “March Of The Celts”
2. Peaceful and hard to understand?
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
1. “The First Of Autumn”
2. Full of hidden meaning.
4. How do you feel today?
1. “First Time”
2. I guess I am wearing my contacts to school for the first time
5. What is your life’s purpose?
1. “Broken”
2. Wow.
6. What is your motto?
1. “The Memory Of Trees”
2. I hope they’re not all gone yet!
7. What do your friends think of you?
1. “Learn You Inside Out”
2. I hope they’d know me better by now....
8. What do you think of your parents?
1. “Lothlórien”
2. They’re elves?
9. What do you think about very often?
1. “Lazy Days”
2. I think I do this more than think this
10. What is 2 + 2?
1. “Apologize”
2. What an interesting math equation.
11. What do you think of your best friend?
1. “Pasture”
2. Maybe I’m a big fan of cows?
12. What do you think of the person you like?
1. “Caribbean Blue”
2. peaceful and calming
13. What is your life story?
1. “For What Reason”
2. Oddly fitting
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
1. “Kung Fu Fighting″
2. I never imagined... my life calling!
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
1. “Till You’re Gone”
2. How sad
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
1. “September”
2. Yeah! Cha Cha!
17. What will they play at your funeral?
1. “All Creatures of Our God and King”
2. I find this oddly fitting.
18. What is your hobby/interest?
1. “The Saints Are Coming”
2. Why not?
19. What is your biggest fear?
1. “Unwell”
2. Well, I do hate getting sick. And I hate family members getting sick, too
20. What is your biggest secret?
1. “Breed”
2. I don’t even know why I own that song...
21. What do you think of your friends?
1. “The Best Of What’s Around”
2. Awesomely fitting.
22. What will you post this as?
1. “Slipped Away”
2. I wonder what this is for...
Wow. What a weekend. I'm sorry, I don't have any pictures right now, since my camera is broken and I'm too busy/lazy to try to get it fixed.
In good news, I'm wearing contacts! It constantly amazes me that I'm not wearing glasses, yet I can see reasonably well (not perfect vision, but I don't need perfection). Wahoo! Actually, after attending class, my vision might not be good enough. Which means I might have to go back to glasses. :^(
Also, I saw all my siblings this week! At the same time! Amazing, considering there are eight of us in all, and three of them live in Houston. It's a little sad that it was a funeral that brought us together, but at least we are together. And we get along (which shouldn't be surprising, since I am the youngest).
The funeral was very nice. That's all I'm going to say.
In other news, my boss isn't very nice, but my coworkers love me! (my boss wouldn't give me time off, but when I showed up to work, my coworkers sent me home to be with my family)
Even though it's supposed to be a sad occasion, I'm excited for this weekend. I get to see all my siblings! Some fly in today, others come in tomorrow. This means that no homework will be happening this weekend, and hopefully there will be pictures next week. My nieces and nephews are SO cute! In fact, why wait for next week? Here are some pictures right now:
I promise I do have nieces. Blogger just doesn't like their pictures.
Apple wants my money
I try to be frugal. As a college student, I don't always have a lot of money. Until this semester, that is. The problem with this semester is that I'm living at home. Home is rent free. Home doesn't have a grocery bill. Home is cheap. Which means my bank account, for the first time, actually has money in it. Money that is not going anywhere soon (hopefully). Money that calls my name. But, it has to stay in my account, for next year.
But then comes along today. Apple has an event. 'Spotlight turns to notebooks'. "Ahh", I think, "this is kind of cool". So, I start following it thorugh liveblogs. Next thing I know I want to look at my bank account and see if there's any way for me to get one. Well, there isn't. But still, they call to me. One day, I'll answer. Just not today.
Sometimes I wonder if something wrong with me. You'd think that after all of this, I'd find some sort of outlet.
Not yet.
Today was quite the day. It started out with me waking up at 6:45 terrified that I had slept in and wondering why I had stayed up until midnight last night. Which is when I remembered that it was Saturday, not Monday. So, I went back to bed.
When I came downstairs, everyone was sitting around Grandpa's bed. I knew that something had changed. I stayed in that room for almost 6 hours straight, leaving only to use the restroom. Of course, when I came back he had died.
The thing is, I see my relatives cry, bawling their eyes out. But I don't feel a thing. I might have shed a tear or two, but nothing like my mom or sisters are going through.
Am I a bad granddaughter? Am I not greiving as I should? Who knows?
Maybe I just can't see the use of crying. Why cry when I can be happy that he's finally free and that my mother is free? He's with his wife. He's with my niece. He can walk, can talk, and can think clearly. He can go wherever he wants. Why be sad?
But, I see everyone around me grieving, and I wonder, Is something wrong with me? Perhaps not. I knew where he is, and I envy him.
1. One of the best concerts/plays/movies I ever saw that I really didn't think I'd like was Nacho Libre.
2. Black Bottomed Cheesecake is a recipe I recently made (or meal I recently ordered) that was delicious!
3. It's time for me to study.
4. An afternoon nap is quite refreshing.
5. If I never hear the word "X" again, it'll be too soon.
6. To one side of the curving road was a , and on the other was a
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to work, tomorrow my plans include nothing much and Sunday, I'm going to not do much.
it all happens at once...
When someone asks how you are, how much do you tell them?
If something bad is happening, who all do you tell?
How long can you cry?
What if you don't know when it's going to happen?
This week has been hard. I just found out my nephew is going to die before thanksgiving. He is six, and has been battling cancer for 2.5 years. The cancer won. I will be flying down to Houston for the funeral.
I also found out that my grandpa, who is in the later stages of Parkinson's, will probably be gone within two weeks.
I'm also in the middle of investigating a new major, figuring out next semester, thinking about a guy, and planning a mission.
They say it never rains, but it pours. I'm just looking for an umbrella.
Hello, my name is Yellow M&M and I'm an audiophile.
I've always liked music, from the time I was little. Even though it was mostly through the radio (and I didn't even own one!) I loved to listen to it. As I grew older, the technology advanced. Soon, CD's were everywhere. They intrigued me. I'd borrow my siblings CD's and put them on the computer, facinated that they'd stay there and I could listen, even when I gave back the CD.
In time, I got my own CD player, and could borrow CD's and play them. I also burned CD's again, from families music. When I got my first portable CD player, I fell in love again.
It was when I was in high school that I first found out about MP3 players. I mostly saw iPod Mini's, and I was jelous. I wanted something that I could put music on (although I personally owned little music, I was unaware of the copyright violations involved in ripping friends CD's). So, I went out and bought an iPod Shuffle. It was the first generation, and looked like a thumb drive. It held 1 GB, and I was thrilled. I've owned a couple iPods since then, and might even buy another one soon.
But, through it all I never cared about the quality of music, just that I was able to listen to it, whenever and wherever I wanted (I'll rant about DRM later). It's only been lately that I've come to appreciate ripping CD's at high quality, and owning high quality earphones.
I own a pair of $75 earphones, but they're wireless. That means that when I forget to charge them, I don't have earphones. Which is sad. So, I'm looking into a pair of earbuds to go along with this. But, I don't want to grab a $10 pair from walmart, those either don't fit right or break easily (not to mention the sound). So, I'm looking to pay about $100 for earphones. Maybe I'm crazy, I don't know. I like listening to music, and hearing a good quality sound.
Welsh homework
In a desperate attempt to make this into homework, I will post a paragraph in Welsh. If you really want to know what it says, comment and I'll post it.
S'mae! Dw i'n M&M. Dw i'n dod o Orem. Dw i'n hoffi Cysgu. Sw i'n hoffi Cyfrifiadurol. Dw i'n hoffi darllen. Dw i'n ysgol Frangeg. Dw i'n hoffi bwyta hufen iâ.
Yes, it's repetitive. But hey, it's Welsh!
As this blog title (well, web address) states, I am going into Accounting. Or, so I thought. You see, today I had an accounting test. And the thought hit me: "Do I really want to do this for the rest of my life?" Of course, tests are NOT life. But, I got low enough on this test that I'm starting to wonder - "Is there a different major out there for me?" The problem with this line of questioning is that I've already been through this. Last year I applied to the photography major, was rejected, and had to find an alternative. I did some thinking and praying, and decided on accounting. And although I enjoy the classes and most of the content, I wonder if I'm really good at it. Or if I care enough about it. So, here's hoping General Conference pours some good inspiration my way!
Thoughts? Suggestions?
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