the Cute One

Eeyore and Scotland Yard
Anyway, back to tonight. First, we played a game called Ticket to Ride. Very fun. I, of course, lost miserably. (seriously, I had 31 points, the next person up had 103). But, it was fun anyway. By the time we were done with that game it was about 9 pm. No big deal you think, until you take into account that Cute One's bedtime is 8. And I'm sure Ada's is about then to, or earlier. But, us adults weren't ready to call it a night. So what did we do? We pulled out another game. Scotland Yard. Super fun, but also long. We finally called it quits about 10. And we were only partway through. Ada had luckily fallen asleep on her father, but Cute One was not acting so cute. She was so irritable, I felt sorry for her.

Ada and Me!
But, I love hanging out with friends, even if some of my friends are actually married with children (I just steal their kids. hee hee hee). What makes it even funner is both Tiggr and Roseanne are pregnant, so they talked about that too. It makes me want my own, but hey, number one I'm not married and number two I'm so not ready for that sort of responsibility. So instead I'm just a good aunt. And friend. Yay!

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