In my foods lab today, I made deviled eggs. Now, deviled eggs require hard-cooked eggs, and hard-cooked eggs require boiling water. I did learn that you're not supposed to keep the eggs in boiling water for very long. Once they reach a boil, you're supposed to turn the heat down and simmer them. Now, I did put the eggs in before the water boiled, but I feel this is still valid. I put the eggs in, turned the heat on, and watched it. And yes, it did boil as you can see. And even though it was my first time making deviled eggs, they came out great! Just look at them!

In other news, I caught a bug from my brother (not Anarchy), Eeyore, or Tiggr. Apparently they've all had it this past week. I'm sorry if I give it to you! It's only supposed to last for 24 hours. I hope so!
There was something else I was going to say. But now I can't remember it. Sort of how I can't remember where I put my keys (yes, they have been MIA since Saturday night/Sunday morning). Has anyone seen them? I really need them.
I'm driving to school tomorrow. Since I have a late class (it gets out at 9 pm) and few buses run that late, I usually get a ride from my mom or dad. But, since they're out of town I get to take the car. Yay! I think...
I keep thinking random thoughts, things that I want to
twitter, but I'm not sure they'd be appropriate for twitter. So I don't post them. I have a lot of random thoughts. Maybe one day I'll share some with you. (Or at least some of the crazier ones. I guess this whole blog is random thoughts)
It's really hard to not spend money when it's sitting in your bank account. I know that it's for more important things (tuition, a plane ticket) but there seem to be too many things around that I "need". Of course I talk myself out of it. I just fear for my bank account. Luckily payday is soon...maybe I'll save up and splurge!
Well, this is longer than I thought it would be, and I have a little homework, then I'm going to a Hockey game tonight! I've never been to a Hockey game, so this should be interesting. There will be pictures (hopefully). Or at the least a post about it tomorrow.
Have a great Wednesday! Halloween is just around the corner!
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