
it all happens at once...

When someone asks how you are, how much do you tell them? If something bad is happening, who all do you tell? How long can you cry? What if you don't know when it's going to happen? This week has been hard. I just found out my nephew is going to die before thanksgiving. He is six, and has been battling cancer for 2.5 years. The cancer won. I will be flying down to Houston for the funeral. I also found out that my grandpa, who is in the later stages of Parkinson's, will probably be gone within two weeks. I'm also in the middle of investigating a new major, figuring out next semester, thinking about a guy, and planning a mission. They say it never rains, but it pours. I'm just looking for an umbrella.

1 comment:

  1. 1. If someone asks, it depends on how well you know them and if you have time to actually give all the details.
    2. You can cry as long as your tear ducts let you.
    3. Then you carry a handkerchief with you at all times.

    I am sorry that the rest is happening


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