

So I've tweeted a bit from rehab, but I haven't eve fully explained it. Until now!

After my surgery they told my mom that insurance usually covers Cardiovascular Rehabilitation. I didn't even hear about it until my mom started asking me if I wanted to make an appointment. I said sure, why not?

And then, about 3 weeks after surgery, I went on vacation. That ended up being a Bad Idea (and a blog post for another day). But, it also meant I couldn't go to Rehab until I got back. Which I did. Eventually. I forget the exact day, blah blah blah.

Anyway, I had an initial evaluation. I went in, she attached these wires to my chest. Took blood pressure and oxygen level. Had me go as fast as I could on a treadmill for six minutes. And then she said to come back whenever I wanted, as many times a week as I wanted. I chooses three times a week, early(ish) in the morning.

So I've been going. At first she only had me going on a treadmill and bike. Each one about 12-16 minutes. Last Friday she started me on weights.

It's been pretty interesting going, especially since everyone ekes there is so much older than I. By a lot. And at the time I go, we watch The Price is Right. Well, others do. I listen to Pandora. :)

The days in between Rehab I'm supposed to do 20 minutes of exercise. And I'm trying to do that.

So that's rehab. Sorry, I don't see Linsey Lohan there.

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