
Thoughts on blogging

I've made it! Well, a week at least. Blogging everyday. I can do this. Thank you for your support.

Today my mom made a comment. Maybe she wasn't thinking. Maybe she really thinks this way. Either way, it hurt. Here's the conversation.

Me (checking blog stats): Wow, I'm popular!
Mom: Why are you popular?
Me: 44 people have viewed my blog today.
Mom: *sigh* 44 people with nothing else better to do.

It stings. I know my mom thinks blogging is a waste of time. But to say that what I'm writing is so useless that I'm wasting other peoples time? Or that the only people who would read my blog are people with 'nothing el better to do'?

I've stopped trying to convince my mom that Twitter is useful. She thinks it's a waste of time, and probably always will think that way. It looks like she also thinks it's a waste of time to blog. And to read blogs.

It hurts. She's never read a blog post. I don't know what she thinks I'm blogging about, but it's not dumb. It's my thoughts. My experiences. And if she thinks writing them down so other people can read them is a waste, what about journal keeping?

This is a way for me to express myself. In a way, it has become my journal.

And I'm not going to stop.

Edit: it's come to my mind that it may appear that I'm just putting my mom down. Or I don't love her. Neither are true. We just disagree on some points.

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