I read a lot of blogs. And yet every single one of them is different. I'm subscribed to about 83 right now. Not bad. And I have several more on my 'do I really want to subscribe to you' list.
I found out today my sister is flying to Houston tomorrow. Houston is where my family is, and where my heart is right now. I wish I was flying with her. Stupid school. I hate it when school gets in the way of life. At least I'm going down on Thursday.
I was given an assignment by Bill, the father of Ethan who recently passed. He has asked all of us (family members I assume) to email him a memory we have with Ethan. Just something short. I'd like to share mine with you now:
In November 2005, Elizabeth, Bill, Ethan and Nate flew up here from Houston for Thanksgiving. That year there was snow, and we made a snowman together. Here are some pictures I was able to find:

Ethan and I together
Making the Snowman

The finished product!
I think the next few weeks/months I will share some pictures that I have of him. He was a great kid, and I miss him.
I never would have imagined myself outliving a niece and a nephew. Yes, I have also outlived a niece. She was born in 2003, and lived a total of 9 months. Adriana was born with multiple health issues, and I never got to see her alive (in person). Here is a picture of her:

One day I will see these kids again. One day I will understand the why.
Sorry about what happened on the flight, I hope you have a good experience down in Texas.