
quotes and thoughts

"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose" "Though success is a lousy teacher, failure is unacceptable" My dad gave me these quotes a couple of days ago. I really like the message, mainly because I see it in my own life, at least in regard to something I have a big problem with: procrastination. Yet I do it. I put off things for days, up until the last possible minute. Then, when I actually pull it off and get a pretty good result, I have success. Which gives me more reasons to procrastinate later. Because hey, I can get away with it. So why not do it? I need to find a way to get rid of this thought. Yet, as the second quote suggests, I can't give in to failure. It's just not an option. I don't want to purposely fail, just to teach myself a lesson. Does not cumpute. So, a goal. To be realistic, I'm not going to claim to be able to stop procrastinating cold turkey or anything. That's an impossible goal for me. Instead, I will say this: I will try harder to start projects sooner. That's it. I know, some of you say "do, or do not. there is no try" (yes, I've been quoted this several times). To you, I reply "if I had that attitude, it would be do not." Because I'm not perfect. And will never be. I just have to try.

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