

So, Nanti-Sarrmm and I were having a nice little chat today. See, I was trying to study for my Welsh final, but I kept getting distracted (as I am wont to do). So, instead, I decided to start talking to Nanti in Welsh, and he started speaking to me in Spanish. At first, I didn't bother trying to translate what he was saying, but after a while I did. And this is what our conversation looked like: (translation of Spanish done by google. translation of Welsh done by me and my dictionary. grammer's probably not correct. All translation is at the bottom) Nanti-Sarrmm: Pero ya tienes un trabajo, no? Yellow M&M: Ydw. Mae raid i fi cael arall. Nanti-Sarrmm: Y que pasa si no puedes trabajar las horas que quieres? Yellow M&M: dw i'n gweddi Nanti-Sarrmm: No mueras! Yellow M&M: Nag ydw. dw i'n ddim marw. \Nanti-Sarrmm: Eso esta bueno. Sera chido si sierves una mision a Gales. Yellow M&M: dw i'n mynd Nanti-Sarrmm: por que estoy loco, loco! Yellow M&M: dw i'n ddim anghytun Nanti-Sarrmm: Tu tambien eres loca? Yellow M&M: cau digon Nanti-Sarrmm: Parangaricutirimicuaro! Yellow M&M: dw i'n mynd gwallgo Nanti-Sarrmm: es una trabalengua. Yellow M&M: ydw Nanti-Sarrmm: ya lo supaste? Yellow M&M: dw i ddim mynd methu Nanti-Sarrmm: hmmn... bien, pero tengo suspiciones de que sabia que era una trabalengua. Te gusta puerco? Yellow M&M: ydw. rhywbeth Nanti-Sarrmm: Salado? Yellow M&M: nag ydw Nanti-Sarrmm: que dices?! Yellow M&M: dw i'n siarad Nanti-Sarrmm: Estas cansada? Yellow M&M: ydw Yellow M&M: a chi? Nanti-Sarrmm: No tanto. Que Pachuka por toluka? Yellow M&M: wn i ddim Nanti-Sarrmm: Que transitas por tus veinas? Yellow M&M: you want me to translate? Nanti-Sarrmm: sure Yellow M&M: from the beginning? Nanti-Sarrmm: Yeah Yellow M&M: um, let's see, you said but now you have a job, no? me: yes, but i need another one. you: And what if you can not work the hours you want? me: I will pray. you: No daughters-in-law! me: No, I won't fail. You: That is good. Sera chido if worshipers a mission to Wales. me: I will go. me again: food! after that, you said: that I was crazy, crazy! and I said: I won't disagree you said: You're too crazy? and I said: close enough. you said: Parangaricutirimicuaro! and i said: I'm going crazy. you said: is a twister. and I said: yes. you said: supaste it? and I said: I'm not going to fail. you said: hmmn... well, but my suspicion that knew it was a twister. You like pork? I said: yes. sometimes. you said: Salt? and I said: no. you said: you say?! and I said: I'm talking. you said: These tired? and i said: yes, and you? and you said: Not so much. Pachuka by toluka that? I said: I don't know. See? great fun! We talked about all sorts of things. It's sort of amazing that it makes sense, considering Nanti had little idea what I was saying.


  1. You couldn't have asked me what it meant?
    Line 5: (no Mueras) Don't die. (Not daughters in law. That is nuera.)
    Line 7: (Eso esta bueno. Sera chido si sierves una mision a Gales.) That's good, it would be cool if you served a mission in Wales.
    Line 9: Because I am crazy, crazy!
    Line 11: You are Crazy as well?
    Line 15: It is a tongue twister.
    Line 17: You already knew that?
    Line 19: (hmmn... bien, pero tengo suspiciones de que sabia que era una trabalengua. Te gusta puerco?)
    It means: Hmmn... ok, but I still have suspiciouns that you knew it was a tongue twister. Do you like pork?
    Line 21: Salted?
    Line 23: What do you say/What are you saying?!
    Line 25: Are you tired?
    Line 27: Not so much, What's up? (Or rather Que Pachuka por Toluka is mexican slang for 'What's up?')

  2. Well, I couldn't have asked you, because you weren't online at the time. And I got the basic idea up there, right?


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