
it's friday

So, since I want to keep up the whole blog post a day thing, and I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing today, this is me speaking from the past! How exciting! On Wednesday I went to Best Buy to pick up my camera. Let me back track a little and explain the situation (caution: this is longer than I originally thought. you don't really have to read it): So, May, with my stimulus check, I went to Best Buy and bought a camera. I loved it. I took it to my family vacation, on outings, to work, everywhere. It was my first digital camera, and it was amazing to me. I had used my parents cameras many times (often times at family get-togethers, they'd just hand me their cameras and not worry about taking pictures). But, this was mine. I could take pictures of grass and no one would care. Well, then came August. I'm not sure really what happened. It just sort of stopped working right. First it was the lens, then when I thought I had that working, the battery started acting weird. In order to get the camera to work, you had to press down on the bottom, right where the battery was. My camera sat in my drawer for months. I didn't know about the warranty, and I was afraid of going to Best Buy and seeing what was up (yes, I'm a wuss like that). Eventually, I got sick of knowing it was sitting there. So, on the 22nd of November I grabbed my courage (and my camera) and went to Best Buy. I was afraid since I couldn't find the receipt, but it turns out I had bought it on BestBuy.com (they were doing some deal involving a free 1 gb sd card), so I looked in my email and there was the receipt! So, I printed that out and went off to Best Buy. I went to customer service, and they were really nice. Said that they didn't sell that camera anymore (apparently the camera world moves really fast. I did not know that), but I could trade it in for either the Canon SD 1100, or the SD 790. I said I had to think about it, and went home (well, to a friends to watch the BYU game). I spent the next couple of days looking into the camera. For a time I really wanted the 790, but it would have cost me about $70 out of pocket, since it was an upgrade. I really don't have that much money (I just spent $500 on a plane ticket). I looked into the 1100, and many people really liked it. So, last Tuesday (the one right before Thanksgiving), I went back to Best Buy. I took all my cords, battery recharger, the works. I went to the service desk, and the girl there said that I had it wrong, they couldn't exchange it. I was really disappointed, and told her about what they had told me the previous Saturday. Eventually she looked deeper into it, and since I bought it on the website, they could exchange it. Yay! So, this camera comes in color. I was actually excited about this. It seems like right now everyone has a silver or blue camera. So, I was going to be different, and get the brown one. But, they didn't have any in the store. But, they did say they could order it for me, and it would be there by the 2nd. Except they had to send it to the store, not my house. I was a little disappointed about not having it for Thanksgiving, but it worked out fine. Then I heard about the funeral, and was really glad I had my camera on it's way. Except that it really wasn't. Yesterday was too busy for me to go to Best Buy, so I went this morning before class. And my camera wasn't there. I told them that I needed it. But, apparently the brown ones don't like to be shipped. So, I got the silver one instead. And, I'm really liking it. A bonus: apparently the 1100 was on sale, so I got $31 back. Yay! So, here are some sample pictures that I've taken so far:
the meal I helped make today in my foods lab!
Christmas lights on campus!
green sam!

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