Funerals. They’re always hard, no matter for whom. But going to a funeral for a child, it changes your outlook.
I don’t know why my family has gone through this. I don’t know why Ethan had to go through what he did, just to die.
I can’t pretend to understand. It’s too hard to imagine what my sister is going through. Even though he was my nephew, I don’t feel like I was as close to him as maybe I could have been. But to have been his mother and watch this happening, I don’t know if I would have been able to do it.
He was so young, yet his life had an impact on many. His funeral was packed, and many people came to his viewing. It was incredible, the love showed by everyone. My sisters ward has done so much for her and her family, it is amazing.
Death is hard. But, like I said before, I didn’t cry at my grandfathers death. Or at one of my grandmothers. Why some affect me more than others, I can’t begin to understand. But I do know that even though I know I will see them again, it is still hard. It is still a trial.
I am glad that I was able to go down to Houston to the funeral. All of my sisters siblings were able to make it, and most of the in-laws also. (I think some of my sisters husbands family was able to fly out as well, but I don’t know them really).
Here are some pictures I took there. Hopefully it’s not too many!
(I guess I should clarify on who is who: Elizabeth is Charlotte, Nate, and Ethans mother. Mary is Lizzies mother, Mary and Elizabeth are my sisters)
tie dye piano in Austin Airport. The only remotely interesting thing in the whole place


Charlotte! What is she looking at?


Lizzie and Charlotte are friends!
Silly Nate!

Piggy Back Ride

Both in gray

Aren't I cute?

The casket

Nate with his red balloon. The story about the red balloons: my nephew (Ethan), his favorite color was red. So, everyone got a red balloon and an index card, where we wrote a little note about Ethan, or to Ethan. Then, we released them all. It was very nice.

Releasing the balloons

Flying high
Lizzie wants her balloon back!

Elizabeth (Ethan's mom) and Charlotte, exhausted at the end of the day
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