a picture is worth 1,000 words

It's really hard to write a comedy when you can't even bring yourself to smile. As a result, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish my nanowrimo novel. I wonder what's wrong with me. I've had months to prepare for this, it was not a surprise. I guess a part of me was still hoping for a miracle.
I've been struggling with this lately. Especially since I'm taking a New Testament class. The thing is, I know that God could have healed Ethan. I know he has the power. With a blessing, he could have been healed at any time during this illness.
But it didn't happen. This is where I'm having the most amount of trouble. Why would God let a 6 year old die of something as horrendous as cancer? It's no one's fault he got it, why did Ethan have to go through such a thing? He was only 6!
Then there's the other part of my who is quite envious. He's gone from this world. He doesn't have to suffer anymore. He doesn't have to go through the heartache and stress of everyday life. Heck, he got a free pass into heaven!
But, I know that life's not like that. God is in control, and for some reason Ethan had to die. We don't know why. I hope I'll find out eventually, even if it's not until after I die. I have to believe that God is in charge, otherwise I'd go crazy. There's too much injustice in this world. Too much heartache.
So, I just keep pressing forward. I can't give up just because of this, no matter how tempted I am (I wouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning if it hadn't of been for my sister). I have to have faith that it will work out in the end, and that everything has a reason. I have to believe.
You know, today didn't seem like thanksgiving. Not really.
I was at my sisters house, but we did nothing special. There was turkey, but it was sliced to go on sandwiches. There was no gravy, potatoes, stuffing, etc.
And I'm sad. I wanted there to be something special about today. Something to make it stand out from the rest of the year. On twitter, everyone's been talking about the turkey, and the pies, and being stuffed.
My brother and I drove back from my sisters and tried to find a fast food place to grab some dinner. Pathetic.
You already heard my 100 things I'm thankful for. But on every Thanksgiving, my family has a tradition: before eating dinner, we go around the table and say 5 things we're gratful for. There is something that we read, and I'd like to quote it now:
Five Grains of Corn
Some early New Englanders had an interesting Thanksgiving Day custom by which they kept their minds in contact with gratitiude. At their Thanksgiving dinners they placed five grains of corn by every plate as a voluntary reminder of those stern, harsh days of winter when the food suply of the Pilgrims had become so depleted that only five frains of corn were rationed at one time to any individual The early Pilgrims wanted their children to remember the sacrifice and hardship necessary to make pollible the settlement of a free people in a free land. They wanted to keep alive the memory of that long sixty-three day trip taken in the tiny Mayflower. They desired to keep in their hearts the picture of that "stern, rockbound, New England coast" and the inhospitable greeting it extended to its first post-Comumbus settlers. The Polgrims wanted to remember that first terrible winter which took such a tool of lives. They did not want their descendants to forget that on the day in which their ration was reduced to five grains of corn, only seven healthy colonists remained to nurse the sick. And nearly half their total number lay in a windswept graveyard on the hill. They also wanted to remember that when the Mayflower sailed back to Engalnd in the spring, only sailers were aboard. The display of five grains of corn at each Thanksgiving Day plate was a fitting reminder to keep their heroic past fresh in their memories. The corn served as an appropriate symbol to help the Pilrim forfathers keep their gratitude to God alive and vital. Supose that at this particular time we should borrow the Pilgrim's Thanksgiving Day symbol, what would five grains of corn at our plates signify to our minds?- The Glory of the Sun, Stirling W. Sill I'd like to tell you the five things that I would have said, had my family done this today: 1. My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ 2. This great land, America, and the freedom that I have 3. Parents who love me 4. Friends who are there when I need them most 5. The Oppertunity to go to Universtiy I know Thanksgiving is nearly over, but what would your five things be?
writers block
I heard that once you pass 35,000 words, it gets much easier.
I say they lie. It's almost harder.
I know how I want my story to end. I see it in my mind, I know what happens.
I just can't write it. The words won't come out. I can't make it right. I just don't know how to do it.
But, I know it's just supposed to be a first draft, so I am trying to ignore the urge to do it right, and just write.
Let's see how I do.
goal: 2,000 more words tonight
I try not to be down in this blog. I try to be optimistic. But not today.
Sometimes, I just want to give up.
Somedays, I don't want try.
I just want to cry. And ignore everything.
I know it's not right. I know I need to fight.
But right now I don't care.
I don't get it.
And right now I don't want to.
I wish I could give up.
I don't want to do hard things. I want to run and hide.
I don't want to face anyone. I'm not strong. I don't know if I can handle anything right now.
I'm sorry.
where I have a super lazy day and don't feel guility
Yeah, my title says it all. I had one class today, and I think I fell asleep in the middle of it. Then I wrote almost 3,000 words. It was great fun.
I'm really excited because I bought a Welsh Book of Mormon. We'll see how much I can actually read. Or if I read it at all. At least it'll look cool next to my French one!
Then I went to a LAN party tonight. Really fun, especially since I'm getting better at the game we're playing, Battlefield 1942. It's a little older, but really fun. At least I enjoy it, and I thought I'd never like first person shooter games.
I also found out that the brother of Rosanne is doing NaNoWriMo. How cool is that? And I'm ahead of him in word count. Hey, at least I'm beating Somone!
Now I have a mere 500 words to do before sleep. Will I finish?
In honor of this thurday, I have put together a list of some things I am thankful for.
- family
- friends
- the Gospel
- school
- my laptop
- music
- clothes
- my backpack
- my sweatshirts
- the rain
- blogs
- furniture
- the internet
- cell phones
- my bed
- tears
- laughter
- eyes/sight
- hearing
- touch
- taste
- smell
- cars/transportation
- a job
- money
- food
- chocolate
- medical advances
- nature
- blankets
- pillows
- movies
- excuses to meet with friends & family
- snow
- color
- thanksgiving
- games
- dessert
- school
- opportunities
- my patriarchal blessing
- webcams
- microphones
- instant messaging
- my violin
- the piano
- nanowrimo
- nablopomo
- bluetooth
- elevators
- trees
- mountains
- flowers
- green
- the 100 hour board
- the UK
- memories
- contacts
- earrings
- my purse
- keys
- my ipod
- dishwashers
- prayer
- my mother
- my father
- free rent
- a roof over my head
- a swing set in the back yard
- a house big enough for visitors
- windows
- sunlight
- the moon
- the stars
- old roommates
- America
- the founding fathers
- the atonement
- the sacrament
- not falling asleep in church
- sarcasm
- satire
- xkcd
- dino comics
- the order of the stick
- questionable content
- love
- a time to mourn
- a time to dance
- a time to keep silent
- a time to speak
- the scriptures
- words of the prophets
- photography
- painting
- sculpture
- expression
- looking into someone else's eyes
- holding someone’s hand
- tickling someone
- being tickled
- listening
- all those who have made a difference in my life
am I female?
I'm a girl, right?
Well, GenderAnalizer was right, barely.

"We guess http://www.accountingchick.blogspot.com is written by a woman (53%), however it's quite gender neutral."Yeah, I don't get it either.
'tis friday!
1. The last band I saw live was going to be coldplay. But no one wanted to go with me and I couldn't get it off work. I've actually never seen a band live...
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is no work. and no schoolish. (if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, insert your favorite holiday)
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is a WIP
4. Thoughts of where is bob fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear
6. Bagpipes sound amazing. Really.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching Wall-E with bob and Sam, tomorrow my plans include watching The Game and Sunday, I want to make cookies for alishka babushka
I surived. Test is taken. Projects turned in. And I'm actually going to bed early.
I'm a surviver. Especially when friends are around to make things better.
I'd like to thank all of my friends out there. Especially Sam. Thanks for being there when I need you. I'm there for you, too.
Now I'm going to bed.
slowly dying
Even though I claim that I never get sick, I'm wrong. Of course I'm often wrong about other things, too. The point being I am sick now. Why it couldn't have waiting until next week, when I had no project, no test, and time to actually sleep I know not.
At least I'm feeling better now than I was earlier, but that could be due to the fact that my project stress is now over, and I get to concentrate on my test. Oh, and NaNoWriMo. Which I'm afraid I might just give up on.
Here's hoping sleep is in my immediate future...
Some back story here: for my New Testament class, I had to chose a topic and spend 5 hours researching it, then 5 hours of application. I choose forgiveness. I'm still in the middle of the application part, so I decided to write this.
We were good friends. I trusted you.
Chatting, talking hanging out.
Sharing, caring, being together.
But you lied. Deceived us all.
We listened to you, unknowing.
It all came out. You told the truth.
We were upset. Talked to you.
Couldn’t understand the reasons.
Why would you do it? How could you?
I looked deeper. There were reasons
I didn’t understand. But I tried. We talked.
I cried. Dug deeper. Searching for reason.
Praying, looking, talking. It came together.
You didn’t realize, didn’t understand.
How it would all work out. You were
Time heals, hurts fade.
I saw your pain, sorrow.
Looking inside myself for strength.
We are good friends. I trust you.
Chatting, talking, hanging out.
Sharing, caring, being together.
Happy again.
I don't cry a lot. I probably should cry more often, but whenever I start crying a part of me says "Why cry? That doesn't change anything?"
That part of me has been silent today.
It started out as a good enough day: classes, homework, I wrote a little, then I got home.
My dad left yesterday again, so it's just Anarchist and I. And we don't mix. I guess he has been sick lately, and on World of Warcraft his guild isn't being the best to him (for those who know about these things: he wants to tank, but they're making him heal). So, I guess when the internet wasn't working right I should have understood that he didn't want to stop right then and fix it. And when I was asking about dinner I should have understood that he was pretty stressed. But I don't think I was that mean or anything.
At least not until he started complaining to himself about his sister who is PMSing.
I'm not.
I don't like confirmations, and I could feel the tears coming, so I did what I usually do: I picked up my things and went upstairs to my room, locked the doors and had a good cry. And it felt good. I don't remember the last time I had that good of a cry.
Then I got a piece of inspiration. I borrowed the car and drove to the temple. I've been trying to figure out a lot of things lately. Sometimes I feel really lost. But tonight I felt peace. And it was good.
I can do this. I can do hard things. What I have to do will not be easy, but it will be worth it. Hard things are not new to me, this year has been full of them. I'll just see where this takes me.
I am strong. I can do this.

I think I was tagged by chilly. If not, I'm doing this anyway since it sounds super fun.
1. I have technically been to England three times.
2. I randomly get nauteous going up and down stairs.
3. I'm 5'1 and feel tall next to certain relatives
4. I've written over 20,000 words on my novel
5. I have to sleep with my closet door closed.
6. Ironically, I might fail Accounting this semester.
7. I have absolutly no idea what I want to do with my life
Unit of Energy
anyone one else who feels so inclined

Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now
Backbeat the word was on the street
That the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels
The way I do about you now
And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
But I don't know how
Because maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall
Today was gonna be the day?
But they'll never throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you're not to do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do
About you now
And all the roads that lead you there were winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
But I don't know how
I said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall
I said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall
Said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me
an adventure
Yesterday was an adventure. Here it is!
It started out with my waking up at 8 after going to bed at 2:30 (yes, I'm still blaming you Sam). That was probably the least fun part. I like sleep. Maybe. I found out that my sister and brother-in-law along with their sonwere going up to Salt Lake to do some running around, and they asked if I wanted to go with them. Of course I said yes. This is Tweety, Taz and Bug (I love making up random nicknames for relitives, so fun!). They live down in Anabella (near Richfield, UT). He actually drives a long haul truck for a living. Anyway, I don't get to see them much, so I went.
Wait! Before we left, we went over to Rosanne's. They had an old table saw they wanted to get rid of, and Taz just happend to need a new table saw. I love it when things work out like that (especially since Taz had a trailer hooked up to their jeep and drove it home that night). Walking home, here's Bug and the Cute One having fun. They love playing together!
This is Taz. and Bug is giving the Cute one a piggy back ride. So cute!
I love it!
It's a horse!
Bug on "Rocking Moose"

Anyway, we went up to Salt Lake. We passed by the new temple they're building off Bangater Highway. It makes me happy.
First errand we did was to go to some car place to buy a part for their jeep. The window doesn't go up and down anymore (or something like that). Driving up, we saw this group of salesmen in a huddle talking, and Taz said to Tweety "Quick! Go inside before the vultures get to you!" Yeah, car salesmen get a bad name. Maybe they really are that bad, I've never bought a car!
After that, we decided that some of us didn't have breakfast, so we should get something to eat. We went past an IHOP, but the wait was 10-15 minutes, so we decided to put our name on the list and go to Circut City while we waited. Taz and Tweety were buying a laptop for their daugther's graduation present. I mainly stopped Bug from destroying the store. Oh, I also bought a CD.
After we finished shopping there, we went back across the parking lot and dropped off our stuff. Then we ate lunch at IHOP. Yummy! I havn't eaten there in a while. I didn't get anything breakfasty (maybe I should have), but it was good. And Bug got an animal balloon:

After that, we went down to Ikea. This was really excited. I'd never been, but I heard it was fun to walk around at look. It was fun! I really wish I had money and a house/apartment to put stuff in. Oh well. They did have this cool station that Bug played at while I watched him (Taz and Tweety went off to look for something or another and got lost).

After Ikea, we rushed back to Orem, because I had a work meeting at 2 pm. I was late. Whoops! I really tried! After my meeting I actually had to get stuff done, like cleaning my room before my dad left and laundry. I forgot to switch my clothes from the washer to the dryer, so I had to go to work with a wet shirt. Oh well. It dried soon enough.
kitty litter
There is kitty litter in my shoes.
No joke.
Let me tell you how it got there. (yay!)
I worked tonight. I got to work in the back (this means I got to clean instead of help customers in the front). When I got there, my manager said to go ahead and drain the fryers, we wouldn't be doing any more frying that night. So, I drained them. A couple minutes later I looked over at one of the fryers and noticed a giant puddle of oil. Someone had filled the fryer too full, and the basket underneath (which holds the oil while we clean the top) had overflowed, creating a giant puddle.
I asked my manager what to do, and she said to grab a squeegee and put it down the drain, and grab some kitty litter. Now, I know all about the squeegee (I've used it many a time with ice cream messes and water spills), but I couldn't understand the kitty litter part. I do now.
Kitty litter is very absorbant. After I had squeegeed all I could, I sprinkled kitty litter over the floor, and it absorbed the rest of the oil. It was actually really cool. Except the part where I had to clean it up. Wet kitty litter doesn't like to be swept up. At all. And the part where my shoes have holes in them, and I kept walking over the kitty litter to do other things, and some of it did end up in my shoes. and sticking to the bottom of my shoes.
I think I'm going to wash my shoes tomorrow.
-ology of me
What is your salad dressing of choice? Used to be Ranch. I think it's now Honey Mustard.
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Los Hermanos
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? chicken
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Canadian bacon and pineapple
What do you like to put on your toast? cinnamon sugar
What is your wallpaper on your computer? a photo that I played with. I think it's pretty awesome
How many televisions are in your house? Seven, if you count the whole house
What color cell phone do you have? Red!
Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? No... [edit: I have given blood. I didn't really think of that]
What is the last heavy item you lifted? my backpack.
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? Yes. It's gonna happen one day, might as well be prepared.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I don't know. I like my name.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1,000? heck no!
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? two or three. wait, my sister gave me some. I don't even remember...
Last time you had a run-in with the cops? never.
What do you want to be when you grow up? a mom.
Last person you talked to? real life: Rosanne. chat: bob
Last person you hugged? probably my dad. I like hugs, but most people I hang out with don't
Season? fall. or spring.
Holiday? labor day. it means school's right around the cornor!
Day of the week? fridays currently
Month? june.
Missing someone? yes.
Mood? tired. and not wanting to go to work.
Listening to? the tv.
Watching? CSI:NY. sort of. More like watching my homework confuse the heck out of me.
Worrying about? nanowrimo.
First place you went this morning? The Bathroom
What can you not wait to do? figure out what my charactors are up to
What's the last movie you saw? I honestly do not remember.
Do you smile often? I try to.
more about my novel
Yes, I am two thousand words behind. Yes, I'm still working on it. Yes, I got past yesterday.
I was able to figure it out. It has moved on. Now on to my next challenge: how mean do I want to be to my characters?
I've read books where the hardest thing that happened to characters was their boyfriend/girlfriend breaking up with them. But I've also read books that put their characters through horrors that I can't imagine. Of course there are also the books in between, where the characters go through things that I would be able to handle, or am going through myself.
The thing is, I don't want people reading my book and thinking "How can you come up with such things? That's awful?" I just want my book to be plausible.
Then again, as was recently pointed out to me, if the villain isn't evil enough, the book won't be likable. Sam actually said a reason he doesn't like Twilight is the villains aren't evil enough.
We'll see.
So as some of you know, I'm writing a romance novel. It's also an action novel. Wahoo!
My problem is rather a silly one actually. Immature, I'm sure.
I'm jealous of the main character.
It wasn't supposed to happen this way. I was supposed to get all of my romantic daydreams into this silly novel (which I might very well burn after this month), so I could not think about guys so much. It's not working.
Right now I'm in the middle of a scene. The main character and her boyfriend are about to go do something really dangerous, and they might have to split up. My main character doesn't really want that to happen, so they're having one last romantic fling before going off.
I can't finish it. I don't know real life romance at all (I've never had a boyfriend), and all I know are the romance novels that I've read. Not too useful, but they've gotten me where I am.
But now I'm writing this, and I want it to be me. I want a romance. Is that wrong? Going to BYU, it’s impossible to ignore the plethora of couples around. Right from I’m sitting I see no less than three or four. I feel the longing to be with someone.
So, I sit and wait. For what, I don’t know. Inspiration? Desperation? A miracle? I’m not going to wait for that special someone to fall out of the sky, and I do need to finish my book. Instead, I’ll browse the web looking for ideas.
Eventually I’ll come up with something, be able to finish the scene without crying, and move on with my novel. And possibly my life.
NaNoWriMo is getting tough. Stupid plot isn't working, my charactors aren't behaving and I don't know how to write romance. Go figures, since I haven't had any in my life.
Other than that, well, there is nothing other than that. I'm ignoring homework, skipping sleep, and basically setting my life aside to write this thing. I knew it would be hard, 50,000 words is a lot. I'm only at 16,600 right now, a bit behind, and things are not going well at all. I've already finished my first idea for my book, and I'm working on my secondary idea. Which will run out soon enough. When this happens I will plagerize web comics and give my charactors stutters. They will have to say everything twice, for the narrator will become deaf.
Yeah, it's going to be great.
quick, what should I write?
I've been increasing my word count. I think I wrote 3,000 words today. (Of course, I'm still 3,000 words behind, but I'm working on it) I'm in the middle of the action, and am not quite sure where to go from here. I'm only 33 pages into this, and I'm afraid I'm in the middle of my story. Whoops!
In other news, my firefox is possessed. Hint: twitter does not start with an f. and is not dark blue.

Today didn't start out happy. Really.
I was up way too late last night, then had to get up early for church. Which I slept through. Which I feel bad about. I went to choir, where they sang to me, then to a luncheon where they also sang to me and gave me a special dessert.
But still I felt meh. Like it wasn't my birthday or something. It was just another day.
Then I logged on and saw this:
Yay! Then I checked my email and saw this:
Then I went to facebook, and people wished me happy birthday there, too.
Yes, I realize that the emails are just automated, but every little thing helps.
I did reach 10,000 words on my novel. I'm still about 5,000 words behind, but I'm working on it. I don't think I have writer's block anymore. I hope not.
Anyways, I was still feeling a little bummed out, when tiggr and eeyore decided to go over to Rosanne and Jeremy's. I decided to go along, since they're my friends too. We ended up having a LAN party. Very fun. Jeremy ended up making chocolate milkshakes, which defininetly was the highlight of the evening. Those were so great!
Then, it was raining. Which is kind of strange, for November. Also, I got over 10,000 words on my novel!
Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday and made this day great.

and the winner is...
alishka babushka!
So I used random.org to do this. If you have any problems, it's not my fault.
I also don't know why you're auctioning off bob. It's not an auction.
So, claim your prize! bob and cookies!
Thanks to everyone who commented and did a shout-out!
Ahh, four minutes and counting! Can I come up with another blog post? We'll see.
I think it's been forever since yesterday. Even with sleeping in, my day has been long. Yet, oddly satisfying. I won't bore you with all the details, but it included a trip to the eye doctor, going to the airport, a write-in for nanowrimo (where all I did was homework), a 10/10 on a quiz, and work. I still have 2,000 words to write. Whoops.
In other news, my sister is pregnant. I'm probably not supposed to shout it out on the Internet, but I'm going to anyway. I came home and found the pictures of the ultra sound on the table, but I can't read them, and I haven't talked to her yet. So I have no idea what it means. Can I wait another 8 hours?
Lastly, here's a couple of pictures I had fun with a couple weeks ago. What do you think?

worst dates
Alishka Babushka suggested a blog about my worst date ever. Now, I haven't been on too many dates, but here are two that I think are pretty bad.
number one:
I was in High School, which is usually bad news when it comes to dates. I had a crush on a boy in my seminary class, and I decided to ask him to go to Preference with me. In true Utah style I pulled together a group (which was a huge hassle in itself) and planned an activity.
It started out pretty good. We went roller skating, which is always entertaining. Then we went to subway for lunch. Also fun. After lunch we went our separate ways to get ready. We meet up at my house for dinner. We made pizzas and root beer floats (there was supposed to be bread sticks, but I burnt them). This was also really fun.
Then we went to the dance. Again, it started out fun. We danced, played around, and were typical High School students. Until the bit where there was another girl there, and he asked me if he could dance with her, since she didn't like her date anymore. Being the nice person I am, I said sure. I did feel jealous but hey, this just proved more that he was a nice guy, right?
Until he came back and talked about how he liked her, and he was going to ask her to prom. Yeah, that's the part where I had to make an effort not to cry. You just don't say stuff like that on a date, right?
Well, I survived, and he wasn't in my seminary class anymore, thank goodness.
number two:
This one was in College, and was crazy from the beginning. He was in my social dance class. For this class, we either had to go to a dance performance, or compete in Dancesport. I decided to compete since it was cheaper, and sounded fun. This guy actually asked me to dance with him, and I said sure.
Well, the big day came, and he didn't show up. We were supposed to met at a quarter to 8 (yes it's early, but we knew that in advance). He never showed. We looked up his phone number online and called him, no answer. I went anyway, but I couldn't compete. I think I actually
ended up falling asleep while watching this.
The next class period, I confronted him "I'm sorry, I slept in" was his excuse. Huh. The night before was my birthday party and the day of was cleaning checks, and I still showed up. Anyway, in order to make it up to me, he asked me out. I said sure, dates are usually fun. He said it would be dinner and a movie, but it was a date, so I said okay.
Well, his idea of dinner and a movie is going to the BYU Collections free film (Adventures of Don Juan, which actually was amazing). That's it. I don't know what happened to the dinner idea, but it didn't happen.
Compared to some, these are probably not that bad. But I haven't been on that many dates, so these are pretty bad for me. Which one do you think is worse? or are they not bad at all?

Edit: don't forget to enter into my giveaway! You have until Saturday!
Yes, it has taken this long for me to get back to Halloween. But since Gio did say I should talk about, and I'm thinking it would be good for me to do before Thanksgiving, I might as well do it now.
The night before Halloween I stayed up really late (well, I guess it wasn't too late - slightly after midnight) putting together my costume. I almost wish I had gotten pictures, But I did want to get to bed in time to wake up and go to work. I had asked for the day off, or if I had to work to work in the morning. The powers that be decided my assistance was needed, but they did give me an early shift (11-3).
On Halloween I actually had to put the finishing touches on my costume, but when it was done it looked something like this:
Now for the story of the costume. I'm the 100 hour board. "What is it," you ask? Well, it's an online Q&A. You can ask just about any question, and they'll answer it after 100 hours. It's run by volenteers from BYU, and the application process is rigorous (well, I applied and was rejected, and I have friends who are currently trying to get in). For more info, just play around on their site.
According to their history, or legand, it was once a physical board, which hung inside the Wilkonson center at BYU. Originally students could post questions about BYU policy and have them answered (and, they still do). But it has grown to be so much more.
So, I collected some of my favorite questions and answers, and 'posted' them to a cardboard box. I had bought a t-shirt that advertises the 100 hour board (I'm wearing it in the picture, but the words are backwords, click on the link for full text).
Yes, it was crazy. I couldn't really wear it to work because someone was afraid I'd catch fire. But they let me wear my shirt and jeans anyway (I love wearing jeans to work!)
After work I unfortunatly had homework. More than I thought I would. I still got done by about 7, and headed over to bob's. Her parents decided to have a fire with hot dogs instead of giving out candy (well, I think candy was an option, but who would choose candy over a hot dog? [well, some people I know, but they're crazy]). Sweet! I took off my box (I really didn't want to catch on fire) and we hung out. bob's parents are really cool. And I didn't recognize Sam the first time I saw him:
Cute picture of Sam holding Caiti:
Eventually it started raining a little, and we all moved inside. We decided that since I had never seen the Nightmare Before Christmas, we should watch it. Instead, they spent 10 minutes trying to find it. We did watch Corpse Bride though, and that was cool. Then they found out I had never seen the newer Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, so we watched that, too. And we realized both of those films were directed by Tim Burton, and both have Johnny Depp in them. Weird.
Eventually it was about 1 am, and we figured we should go home. Except, I didn't. I went to a friends house, for a LAN Party. :^D While they finished a game I started on my NaNoWriMo, since it was November 1st. We played a game called Battlefield 1942 - where you're a soldier in WWII. I like it, oddly enough.
Anyway, my brother (who was at the LAN party) and I finally got home at 4 am, surprised to see my dad awake and waiting for us. Whoops. Then he caught the shuttle up to the airport (he had a 6:15 flight).
Then I slept until 11.
More pictures of my costume:

just another tag
So this was done by alishka babushka, and she said if I wanted to do it, I should. So I am. :^D
1. Where is your cell phone? In my front pocket
2. Where is your significant other? Somewhere over the rainbow
3. Your hair color? Brown.
4. Your mother? in Texas
5. Your father? in Germany
6. Your favorite thing? right now? Sleep.
7. Your dream last night? i don't remember. I didn't sleep that long.
8. Your dream/goal? to work at pixar (remember what I said about changing majors?). also, to be a good mom.
9. The room you're in? JSB auditorium
10. Your hobby? reading, welsh, writing.
11. Your fear? spiders, everyone around me dying
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? uh...married. and possibly graduated.
13. Where were you last night? in the Kitchen. for the whole night (well, until midnight)
14. What you're not? feeling smart.
15. One of your wish-list items? a wicked awesome pen
16. Where you grew up? Utah
17. The last thing you did?
18. What are you wearing? jeans and a t-shirt. and a 'I voted' sticker.
19. Your TV? wait, I have a tv?
20. Your pet? dead, unfortunatly.
21. Your computer? amazing
22. Your mood? apathetic
23. Missing someone? Heck yes.
24. Your car? in my dreams.
25. Something you're not wearing? earrings.
26. Favorite store? Um, if I had money, the Bookstore (yes, I'm lame)
27. Your summer? hopefully amazing.
28. Love someone? perhaps
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When is the last time you laughed? two minutes ago. I love my stats professor.
31. Last time you cried? yesterday afternoon.
Um, I think I'll tag some people. How about Gio and katydid?
So since nanti tagged me, I guess I better do this (plus I didn't have a post starting with K)
Google analytics is a cool feature where you can see statistics about your blog. This can be quite facinating, or depressing (you can see where people come from who read your blog, and how many people read your blog).
Well, one of the cool things you can view is how people found your blog through keywords on google. I'm supposed to list 5 of them, in order of least to most funny. Here it goes:
4- pictures of yellow m&m guy
- Makes sence, I'm not hiding the fact that I've signed up and am working on it.
- I guess my nickname is yellow m&m, so this one passes too
- Okay, why is anyone searching for this? It happened to me, but it was way gross, and I can't imagine going to my computer and doing a google search for it
- Same as above. It was meant to be a joke, and yet two people have found my blog looking for this. To those people: get a real job. Please.
- For some reason, I find this the funniest. Yes, I do know how to become a board writer. I even applied once, in a fit of insanity. But I'm not going to post it on my blog. Their mistake, of course, was forgetting the space between the colon and the website.
So I've finally made it. 100 posts. What have I accomplished? Nothing much, but you guys do know more about me now. You know I work at a Deli and make ice cream cones. You know that I want to go to Wales. You know I'm preparing to serve a mission. You know I'm thinking about changing my major.
In honor of my 100th post, I'm doing a give-a-way. I'm giving away my very own friend, bobtheenchantedone. And yes, she is female. She's also amazing. In addition to doing NaNoWriMo, she's the eldest of eight, and helps take care of them all. Wow. In addition to recieving bob, I will make you cookies. If you're not from Utah, we'll work something out.
There are three ways to enter:
1- comment and say hi
2- comment with a suggestion for a blog post
3- do a shout-out on your blog
Three things to leave:
1. Who you are
2. A way to get a hold of you (e-mail or blog)
3. A comment
(1 and 2 can be skipped if I already know you/your e-mail/your blog)
Since it's my birthday on Sunday, you have until Saturday night to enter the contest.
so I was tagged again. by someone who will not be named. to take this one quiz. here are the results:
I feel loved when...
The Five Love Languages
My Primary Love Language is Physical Touch
My Detailed Results: | |
Physical Touch: | 11 |
Quality Time: | 8 |
Receiving Gifts: | 5 |
Words of Affirmation: | 4 |
Acts of Service: | 2 |
About this quiz
Unhappiness in relationships is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. It can be helpful to know what language you speak and what language those around you speak.
Tag 3 people so they can find out what their love language is.
i'm feeling spunky, so i'll only tag one person: liz! yay! everyone else: have a good day. or night. whatever.1.11.08
Because I don't have a title begining with x yet...
So addition to NaNoWriMo, there's something called NaBloPoMo, where you post every day for a month. I think I might try that, too. Am I crazy? Sure, why not?
I have over 3,000 words so far. I'm not going to be trying to get onto nanowrimo's website yet, I hear it's crazy right now. Otherwise, I'd upload by wordcount (I'll start doing that later). I'm also going to issue a challage to bob: let's both win this year! Wahoo!
I stayed up way too late Halloween. Like to 5 am. Luckily, I didn't have anything pressing Saturday, and I ended up sleeping until about 11. Not bad. I wasn't even that tired. But, I am getting better at getting by on less sleep.
hockey and nanowrimo
So, the game was awesome. We won (of course). And now I remember why I love staying up past midnight, but the next day I was reminded of why I hate staying up past midnight. My body does not like less than 6 or 7 hours of sleep. Really. So, here are some pictures from the game:
Look closely. On the left there's someone who's number is actually pi. Awesome.

I'm going to skip talking about Thursday because it was boring (really, I just was tired all day). Today was fun though. Halloween! I got to sleep in, then I went to work earlier than usual so I could have tonight off. I went over to bob's about 8, where instead of candy, they had a fire going with hot dogs! Awesome! Then it started to rain. :^( So we went inside and watched Corpse Bride (since I hadn't seen it, and they couldn't find Nightmare Before Christmas [which I also havn't seen]). Then we talked. And then we watched the newer Charlie and the Chocoalte Factory. Let me say that I have to read the book again now. Because it's weird.
Anyway, when I was done there, I started working on NaNoWriMo, since it was after midnight. I only have a sort of strage idea about how this story is going to work out, so it might not turn out at all. But, at least I'll try. And work really, really hard. I can do it!
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