

In honor of this thurday, I have put together a list of some things I am thankful for.
  1. family
  2. friends
  3. the Gospel
  4. school
  5. my laptop
  6. music
  7. clothes
  8. my backpack
  9. my sweatshirts
  10. the rain
  11. twitter
  12. blogs
  13. furniture
  14. the internet
  15. cell phones
  16. my bed
  17. tears
  18. laughter
  19. eyes/sight
  20. hearing
  21. touch
  22. taste
  23. smell
  24. cars/transportation
  25. a job
  26. money
  27. food
  28. chocolate
  29. medical advances
  30. nature
  31. blankets
  32. pillows
  33. movies
  34. excuses to meet with friends & family
  35. snow
  36. color
  37. thanksgiving
  38. games
  39. dessert
  40. school
  41. opportunities
  42. my patriarchal blessing
  43. webcams
  44. microphones
  45. instant messaging
  46. my violin
  47. the piano
  48. nanowrimo
  49. nablopomo
  50. bluetooth
  51. elevators
  52. trees
  53. mountains
  54. flowers
  55. green
  56. the 100 hour board
  57. the UK
  58. memories
  59. contacts
  60. earrings
  61. my purse
  62. keys
  63. my ipod
  64. dishwashers
  65. prayer
  66. my mother
  67. my father
  68. free rent
  69. a roof over my head
  70. a swing set in the back yard
  71. a house big enough for visitors
  72. windows
  73. sunlight
  74. the moon
  75. the stars
  76. old roommates
  77. America
  78. the founding fathers
  79. the atonement
  80. the sacrament
  81. not falling asleep in church
  82. sarcasm
  83. satire
  84. xkcd
  85. dino comics
  86. the order of the stick
  87. questionable content
  88. love
  89. a time to mourn
  90. a time to dance
  91. a time to keep silent
  92. a time to speak
  93. the scriptures
  94. words of the prophets
  95. photography
  96. painting
  97. sculpture
  98. expression
  99. looking into someone else's eyes
  100. holding someone’s hand
  101. tickling someone
  102. being tickled
  103. listening
  104. all those who have made a difference in my life
Hope your Thanksgiving is spent with those you love. Please remember those things you are thankful for.

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