
and the winner is...

alishka babushka! So I used random.org to do this. If you have any problems, it's not my fault. I also don't know why you're auctioning off bob. It's not an auction. So, claim your prize! bob and cookies! Thanks to everyone who commented and did a shout-out!


  1. Well... no one objected thus far. Not even when I claimed that Fred put a bid in for her.

  2. My verification word was actually a word: Accroust. And if it isn't a word, it should be one. Then I logged out, so as not to follow your example and spoil my anonymity like you have done. Even though I know your real name anyways. May you have a happy birthday. Also, I never have won a blog giveaway. And I've entered quite a few. And my neew verification word could be a word too! Rophyten

  3. yay for cookies! i want to claim them! sorry it took me so long to do so! life is crazy! i love cookies!


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