

So as some of you know, I'm writing a romance novel. It's also an action novel. Wahoo! My problem is rather a silly one actually. Immature, I'm sure. I'm jealous of the main character. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. I was supposed to get all of my romantic daydreams into this silly novel (which I might very well burn after this month), so I could not think about guys so much. It's not working. Right now I'm in the middle of a scene. The main character and her boyfriend are about to go do something really dangerous, and they might have to split up. My main character doesn't really want that to happen, so they're having one last romantic fling before going off. I can't finish it. I don't know real life romance at all (I've never had a boyfriend), and all I know are the romance novels that I've read. Not too useful, but they've gotten me where I am. But now I'm writing this, and I want it to be me. I want a romance. Is that wrong? Going to BYU, it’s impossible to ignore the plethora of couples around. Right from I’m sitting I see no less than three or four. I feel the longing to be with someone. So, I sit and wait. For what, I don’t know. Inspiration? Desperation? A miracle? I’m not going to wait for that special someone to fall out of the sky, and I do need to finish my book. Instead, I’ll browse the web looking for ideas. Eventually I’ll come up with something, be able to finish the scene without crying, and move on with my novel. And possibly my life.

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