Edit: don't forget to enter into my
giveaway! You have until Saturday!
Yes, it has taken this long for me to get back to Halloween. But since Gio did say I should talk about, and I'm thinking it would be good for me to do before Thanksgiving, I might as well do it now.
The night before Halloween I stayed up really late (well, I guess it wasn't too late - slightly after midnight) putting together my costume. I almost wish I had gotten pictures, But I did want to get to bed in time to wake up and go to work. I had asked for the day off, or if I had to work to work in the morning. The powers that be decided my assistance was needed, but they did give me an early shift (11-3).
On Halloween I actually had to put the finishing touches on my costume, but when it was done it looked something like this:

Now for the story of the costume. I'm the
100 hour board. "What is it," you ask? Well, it's an online Q&A. You can ask just about any question, and they'll answer it after 100 hours. It's run by volenteers from BYU, and the application process is rigorous (well, I applied and was rejected, and I have friends who are currently trying to get in). For more info, just play around on their site.
According to their
history, or
legand, it was once a physical board, which hung inside the Wilkonson center at BYU. Originally students could post questions about BYU policy and have them answered (and, they still do). But it has grown to be so much more.
So, I collected some of my favorite questions and answers, and 'posted' them to a cardboard box. I had bought a
t-shirt that advertises the 100 hour board (I'm wearing it in the picture, but the words are backwords, click on the link for full text).
Yes, it was crazy. I couldn't really wear it to work because someone was afraid I'd catch fire. But they let me wear my shirt and jeans anyway (I love wearing jeans to work!)
After work I unfortunatly had homework. More than I thought I would. I still got done by about 7, and headed over to bob's. Her parents decided to have a fire with hot dogs instead of giving out candy (well, I think candy was an option, but who would choose candy over a hot dog? [well, some people I know, but they're crazy]). Sweet! I took off my box (I really didn't want to catch on fire) and we hung out. bob's parents are really cool. And I didn't recognize Sam the first time I saw him:

Cute picture of Sam holding Caiti:

Eventually it started raining a little, and we all moved inside. We decided that since I had never seen the Nightm
are Before Christmas, we should watch it. Instead, they spent 10 minutes trying to find it. We did watch Corpse Bride though, and that was cool. Then they found out I had never seen the newer Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, so we watched that, too. And we realized both of those films were directed by Tim Burton, and both have Johnny Depp in them. Weird.
Eventually it was about 1 am, and we figured we should go home. Except, I didn't. I went to a friends house, for a LAN Party. :^D While they finished a game I started on my NaNoWriMo, since it was November 1st. We played a game called Battlefield 1942 - where you're a soldier in WWII. I like it, oddly enough.
Anyway, my brother (who was at the LAN party) and I finally got home at 4 am, surprised to see my dad awake and waiting for us. Whoops. Then he caught the shuttle up to the airport (he had a 6:15 flight).
Then I slept until 11.
More pictures of my costume:
I may just grow out my hair super long then.