
more about my novel

Yes, I am two thousand words behind. Yes, I'm still working on it. Yes, I got past yesterday. I was able to figure it out. It has moved on. Now on to my next challenge: how mean do I want to be to my characters? I've read books where the hardest thing that happened to characters was their boyfriend/girlfriend breaking up with them. But I've also read books that put their characters through horrors that I can't imagine. Of course there are also the books in between, where the characters go through things that I would be able to handle, or am going through myself. The thing is, I don't want people reading my book and thinking "How can you come up with such things? That's awful?" I just want my book to be plausible. Then again, as was recently pointed out to me, if the villain isn't evil enough, the book won't be likable. Sam actually said a reason he doesn't like Twilight is the villains aren't evil enough. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Well it is true. James in the first book is made out to be acting on his desires. He doesn't do anything despicable to make the reader root against him, he just wants to eat Bella, just like any other vampire. She just happens to smell like an irresistable piece of meat.

    He even goes out of his way to make sure no other human is involved.

    Even the Italian tribe are seen as acting on their best interests. Meyers tries to portray them as an evil organization, but it comes off more like a domineering political party that can't get it's way this time.

    /end rant


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