worst dates
Alishka Babushka suggested a blog about my worst date ever. Now, I haven't been on too many dates, but here are two that I think are pretty bad.
number one:
I was in High School, which is usually bad news when it comes to dates. I had a crush on a boy in my seminary class, and I decided to ask him to go to Preference with me. In true Utah style I pulled together a group (which was a huge hassle in itself) and planned an activity.
It started out pretty good. We went roller skating, which is always entertaining. Then we went to subway for lunch. Also fun. After lunch we went our separate ways to get ready. We meet up at my house for dinner. We made pizzas and root beer floats (there was supposed to be bread sticks, but I burnt them). This was also really fun.
Then we went to the dance. Again, it started out fun. We danced, played around, and were typical High School students. Until the bit where there was another girl there, and he asked me if he could dance with her, since she didn't like her date anymore. Being the nice person I am, I said sure. I did feel jealous but hey, this just proved more that he was a nice guy, right?
Until he came back and talked about how he liked her, and he was going to ask her to prom. Yeah, that's the part where I had to make an effort not to cry. You just don't say stuff like that on a date, right?
Well, I survived, and he wasn't in my seminary class anymore, thank goodness.
number two:
This one was in College, and was crazy from the beginning. He was in my social dance class. For this class, we either had to go to a dance performance, or compete in Dancesport. I decided to compete since it was cheaper, and sounded fun. This guy actually asked me to dance with him, and I said sure.
Well, the big day came, and he didn't show up. We were supposed to met at a quarter to 8 (yes it's early, but we knew that in advance). He never showed. We looked up his phone number online and called him, no answer. I went anyway, but I couldn't compete. I think I actually
ended up falling asleep while watching this.
The next class period, I confronted him "I'm sorry, I slept in" was his excuse. Huh. The night before was my birthday party and the day of was cleaning checks, and I still showed up. Anyway, in order to make it up to me, he asked me out. I said sure, dates are usually fun. He said it would be dinner and a movie, but it was a date, so I said okay.
Well, his idea of dinner and a movie is going to the BYU Collections free film (Adventures of Don Juan, which actually was amazing). That's it. I don't know what happened to the dinner idea, but it didn't happen.
Compared to some, these are probably not that bad. But I haven't been on that many dates, so these are pretty bad for me. Which one do you think is worse? or are they not bad at all?

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The first one sounds pretty bad.
ReplyDeleteBut the second one just sounds like he was a lazy jerk. The whole ditching you thing, yeah, that's bad. The no dinner.... well it is BYU... maybe he was broke.