

So I've finally made it. 100 posts. What have I accomplished? Nothing much, but you guys do know more about me now. You know I work at a Deli and make ice cream cones. You know that I want to go to Wales. You know I'm preparing to serve a mission. You know I'm thinking about changing my major. In honor of my 100th post, I'm doing a give-a-way. I'm giving away my very own friend, bobtheenchantedone. And yes, she is female. She's also amazing. In addition to doing NaNoWriMo, she's the eldest of eight, and helps take care of them all. Wow. In addition to recieving bob, I will make you cookies. If you're not from Utah, we'll work something out. There are three ways to enter: 1- comment and say hi 2- comment with a suggestion for a blog post 3- do a shout-out on your blog Three things to leave: 1. Who you are 2. A way to get a hold of you (e-mail or blog) 3. A comment (1 and 2 can be skipped if I already know you/your e-mail/your blog) Since it's my birthday on Sunday, you have until Saturday night to enter the contest.


  1. I am ze first! I will give you a shout out on my blog... eventually. Also, you should post about what you did for halloween. That's all three things, no?

  2. oh yay! you are awesome. i will shout you out! also i think you should do a post on your worst date ever. unless you've done that. and i missed it. also, congrats on 100 posts. that is awesome-sauce.

    you rock. and you know my blog. :)

  3. 1. I am Liz B./Octanewt/Epitome of Awesome One Extraordinaire.
    2. Facebook, Lymabean, e-mail, Skype, GoogleChat, or mind-message me whenever!
    3. You should do a post about. . . um . . . The coolest place you've ever been to. OR! Your favorite kind of pastry
    4. I hope I win, 'cuz I want those cookies
    5. I don't know that person-ownership is legal though, so I'll pass on the bob-part :D

    . . . oh, wait, I made up two numbers...

    . . .

    . . .


  4. Hello! I give you shout outs all the time don't I?

  5. Hi! I want to buy Bob! Will she clean my room? Hmm...useful (o:

    Blog post...I like funny ones, so be funny. With pictures.

    The end!

  6. Well, don't I just feel popular now.

  7. I was instructed to post a comment here. ;D


If you feel so inclined, leave a thought. It doesn't even have to make sense!