
Reviewing 2009

I did this last year and I dare to do this again this year. Woot!

1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I didn't make any resolutions. So, yes?

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

Yep. A sister and a sister-in-law. Such cute babies!

4. Did anyone close to you die?

My granddad. 

5. What countries did you visit?

Just England. Didn't even make it to Wales. 

6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?

Truthfully? A boyfriend. Knock on wood. 

7. What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

October 28th - day my granddad died  November 3rd - day I flew to England.
December 14th - day I came back. 

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

No idea. 

9. What was your biggest failure?

Finding out that I really don't have my life figured out. Discovering that I'm not really that good at computer programing. 

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

In march I found out about my heart problem - I have athero stenosis. 

11. What was the best thing you bought?

This year? Probably my iPod. I love calcifer so much. (+10 pts if you know that reference)

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

Hmmm. This is a toughie. I'd say my moms, after all that has happened to her the past few years. 

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

I can't really say here. 

14. Where did most of your money go?

School. Food. 

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

My road trip with my Granddad. 
When I thought I had a major. 
Quitting Macey's. 
Rooming with my best friend. 

16. What song will always remind you of 2008?

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

a) happier or sadder? I'm not sure. Hopefully happier! But both last year and this year aroud this time was hard.  
b) thinner or fatter? Fatter. English chocolate is just too good. 
c) richer or poorer? Richer. Luckilly. 

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Sleeping. Being reckless. 

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Doing nothing. Sitting on the computer. 

20. How did you spend Christmas?

Truthfully, I basically read all day. It was a very lazy day. 

21. Did you fall in love in 2009?


22. What was your favorite TV program?

NCIS. I blame my sister for getting me started on this. 

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

No. As much as I thought I might hate someone, I just can't hate anyone. Probably a good thing. 

24. What was the best book you read?

About life? Probably The Time Travelers Wife. Made me think a lot. But it's not for everyone. Be warned: some things in it are probably considered a little inappropriate. But, I love it anyway.   

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?

Owl City. And Michael Buble. 

26. What did you want and get?

An apartment with a great roommate. 
Time with family. 
A new iPod.  

27. What did you want and not get?

A boyfriend/husband. 
A new camera. 
A new computer. 
A direction in life. 

28. What was your favorite film of this year?

I didn't really watch many. Off the top of my head? (500) Days of Summer. 

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

I was in England. We went out to eat. That was about it. I turned 22. Woot!

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

Knowing the reason for some events in my life. 

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?


32. What kept you sane?

Probably Linkin Park. And Owl City. Yes, I am addicted to music. You have a problem with that? 

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

No one. 

34. What political issue stirred you the most?

Healthcare. What else?

35. Who did you miss?

Ethan. Granddad. 

36. Who was the best new person you met?

No one. 

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009.

Just keep swimming. Never give up.

38. What are you looking forward to in 2010?

Being ridiculous about life and not caring what others think.  

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

I can't. There's been too many ups and downs this year. Sorry. 



So, life has turned crazy. This is, of course, without my concent. I do not approve. But, my life does not always do what I want or even wait for my approval before doing crazy things. At least I can say my life is not boring!

Friday night I made a big mistake - I decided to drink a glass of water by my computer. I ended up spilling it all over my lovely computer. :( As of today, it still won't turn on. I have all of my data backed up, but I miss my lovely Sian. (yes I name my compter. Doesn't everyone?). Also, my computer is a mac, while my family still use windows. So I can't access my data right now. But, at least it's there! And, I have my lovely Calcifer, my iPod, who is a great substitute while his sibling is out of commission. He has all my music, videos, and photos on him, so I'm good for now. Yay!

Other than that, I've just been working on christmas. Hanging out with family and friends, watching Christmas movies, wrapping presants, I've done it all in the past few days. It has been fun!

Hope you all have a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year!

Updated from my iPod(of course!)



1. No, we will NOT spend more money on music. This year, at least.
2. I love sitting at the old kitchen table.
3. I watched the steam rising from the hot cup of apple cider and thought: do I even like apple cider?
4. We're going to be okay.
5. I'll take my chances at life.
6. Christmas almost doesn't feel like Christmas, at least from my point of view.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to saying goodbye to my roommate, tomorrow my plans include hanging out with family and Sunday, I want to hang out more with my family.


So, whatever happened to Me?

So, long story. Let's see if I can write it all!

First off, I am home. Yay home! England was nice, but near the end I got really really homesick, and being home is just nice. I flew home Monday (with my Parents). It was a very long day, with one nine hour flight and one four hour flight. But, I made it here all in one piece!

So, I know I said I was going to blog. But then life happened. Like always. It turns out the internet/phone was cut off. I guess they didn't send the bill to my uncle, so he couldn't pay it, so they didn't get money. And they cut us off. Not fun. We still could receive phone calls, so that was nice, but that was it. Nothing else. No calling people. No internet. I was able to check my email a few times at my uncles house, but that was basically it. Not fun.

It was an adventure, trying to finding things to do when I would have been online. I read more. I thought more (scary!). But, I was able to spend more time with my family, which is what really counts. I really do love my family.

So, all in all it was two weeks without internet. Except for a few random days. It was hard, but doable. Especially since there was so much to do there. Could I do it now? Probably not. Now that I'm at the right time zone, people are actually online (usually) for me to talk to them! Amazing!

Now if I could only get rid of this jet lag...


Hello, a post! with a chance of more!

So, I decided to write something. I don't have pictures today. I could probably pull some out of my camera and talk about them, but then this wouldn't post today. It would post...next week or something. I'm really bad at getting pictures and making blog posts. Which is probably why I don't blog more often. I like having pictures with my posts. And, that doesn't always happen.

Anyway, enough rambling. I am going to try to post more. I'm planning one about my granddads funeral. And maybe one about being in England (in general).

Hope your thanksgiving was good!


London! pt2

So, last Thursday, while you were all stuffing yourselves with turkey (well, it was actually probably a bit before that. But that is besides the point) I was gallivanting around London with my lovely family. Yay for gallivanting!

Here are some pictures from my travels:

First off, we went back to Big Ben. We saw it at night, but then my brother said none of his pictures turned out, so we went back during the day so we could get better pictures. So, here's mine. :D

And, on the opposite side of the Themes from Big Ben is the Eye. So, I got a good picture of it. I still like it at night though. But we'll get there later. :D

Then we walked down the street by Westminster Abbey, so of course I had to get a picture of it. I mean, this stuff's COOL. :D

And then it stopped raining, and there was a rainbow. This was the best picture I got of it. But hey, I saw a rainbow in London. Which is awesome. According to me at least. Which is what matters, right?

Then we kept walking, and here we are, Nelson's Column at Trafalgar Square. Which is cool. It's a giant roundabout, which wrecks havoc for all of the pedestrians. But hey, none of us got ran over. :D Oh, and I did climb up onto one of the lions that guard the column, but the picture's on my mums camera. Oh well, maybe one day I'll post it.

Then we took the tube to Bakers Street, and found this. :D It's Sherlock Holmes!

And this is where he 'lived'. Except he didn't, as we pointed out to my mum, when she started talking about how we could look him up in census records to see if he really lived there. Silly mum. :D

St. Paul's Cathedral! This place is awesome. I wish we could have had time to go in, but next time. At least I saw it, right? I also sat on the steps and got a photo, but again it's trapped on mum's computer. Poor pictures of me. I'll just have to do another blog post. ;)

Here's another one of St. Paul's. As we walk towards the river. It's an awesome dome.

And on the other side of the river is...the Globe Theatre! Again, I wish we could have gone in but we had no time. We had an appointment at 4:30, and we were going to walk the whole way. :D

The appointment was at the Eye! At night! I was excited. Because it's all cool and lit up, and the city's all lights, and I get to go all high and see it. Woot! Here's a picture of a capsule that you ride in. These things are HUGE. They fit like, at least 15 or 20 people maybe. It's cool. They're all glass, except for one big bench in the middle. Most people spend the whole time standing up though.

Behold! The City! (well, some of it at least...)

The Capsule at the top. Not ours, of course. Although it would be cool if I did get a picture of our capsule. It's just not possible people. I'm cool, but not THAT cool.

Big Ben! Parliament! River! Lights!

This is looking in at the centre of the Eye. on the right are the support beams that keep it up. It's really an awesome thing. If you're ever in London, you should try to do it at least once. But do it at night, it's cooler that way. Also: bring a REALLY nice camera. Mine just wasn't nice enough. Most of the pictures turned out blurry. No, change that: all of the pictures ended up blurry. Which was sad. But it was still cool.

So, that was my trip. Well, we did stop for lunch at the pub, and I got a falafel burger. Because of Liz. And, it tastes good. And half my brothers got Big Ben burgers, so I had to do something different. Because that's the way I am. Also: I don't like fish, so I couldn't get fish & chips.

So, I love chips. I'm going to miss them. Good thing I have two more weeks to enjoy them!

Miss you all, from across the pond.


Black Friday!

Amazon might very well persuade me to buy some music! Too bad I won't get it until the 14th, if I did buy some...

1. Wait! Wait, don't forget me while I'm in England.
Music followed at once by dancing.
3. The trouble is 
I'm really homesick. I think.
I am too many miles away.
5. With a faint pop 
the lights go out.
The room is shadowy and ominous.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to 
relaxing, tomorrow my plans include shopping and Sunday, I want to sleep!



So, here they are. Pictures of my travel. With, maybe, some commentary. Woot!

British Museum. This place is Awesome.

Sarah, Michael, Philip, Elizabeth, Dad. Right inside the museum. Guess who took the picture...

The ceiling. Which is Amazing.

I don't remember who this guy is. Sorry.
Update: He is Lamassu. Thanks Chilly for helping me out with that!

Half of the East Pediment of the Parthenon

The other half. :D

The Flood Tablet

.The Queens Tower

Buckingham Palace! We went there for the changing of the guards. Of course, we ended up being miles away and didn't actually see much, but the music was nice. And we had a nice discussion about..something. I don't remember what we talked about. But it was interesting!

The Guards!

This is the Original stone from the Gate of the Tower of London. Woot!

See! I even took a picture of the Sign! (Yes, I want to capitalize random words. And, You can't stop Me. :D)

Tower Bridge. I need to alter the colour. But not today. Sorry. :D

Another shot of the Bridge.

So, I had a fun time. Well, except for all the walking. And the part where there were no seats on the train home, so I had to stand for 20 minutes on the train. And there was no wifi, so my ipod was lonely. But, the pictures are cool. I'm going back Thursday, so there might be a London! pt 2 in the future...


friday again! And London tomorrow!

So I'm going to London tomorrow. When I get back, I might do photos. But, next week's the funeral, so it might take some time.

1. We need more sleep around here.

2. I webchatted with a friend today, and it made me smile.

3. If you want I'll send you a postcard from England, just let me know...

4. I am really excited for tomorrow because I'm going to London. And I get to see my brothers. Yay!

5. Massachusetts has a proposed 5% sales tax on elective cosmetic surgery; I think that this seems pointless and I 'm so confused as to why this would be on here....

6. Any holiday that has good food, friends, and family makes for a happy holiday.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to bed early, tomorrow my plans include going to London and Sunday, I want to have fun with family!



Since I'm currently boring, I'm going to do this. I stole it from my friend Sam. yay.

1.What's your current obsession?
Um, scanning stuff? Or maybe that's just what my mom's obsessed with, and has me do...

2.What's your zodiacal sign? Do you identify with it?
I'm a Scorpio. And I think it's a bunch of BS.

3.What are you wearing today?
Jeans. T-shirt. Brown Jacket. I had a scarf on earlier, but when I came inside it's warm enough to not need it.

4.What's the last thing you purchased?
Something in the US. I actually can't remember. Or maybe, I did use my mums money to buy some conditioner and hot chocolate over here. So I guess that counts. But it was my mums money. score!

5.What do you think about the person who blog I took this from?
He's weird. And a guy.

6.What's for dinner?
Elizabeth's cooking - yay! Except we don't have an oven. So, she's making speghetti. Go her.

7.What's your favorite decade?
Um, not this one. And I don't really know any other decades. So I'm going to say 1520's. But, um, BC. Because BC rocks.

8.What are your summer must haves?
A job. That's about it. I'd really love a vacation, but that's not a 'I have to go somewhere or else I'm going to die' thing. It's a 'I want to go visit family and friends, woot!' thing.

9.What would you love to do?
Um, I don't think you want to know...

10. What's your favorite item from your wardrobe?
My current wardrobe? Prolly my brown jacket, or my new BYU hoodie.
My future rock-awesome wardrobe? Prolly my rock awesome jacket. But I don't have money for one. Yet.

11.What's your dream job?
See, this is a problem. Because I still don't know. Which is why I'm on my third major and am considering ditching it.

12.What's your favorite magazine?

13.What's the biggest fashion faux pas?
Wearing white socks with a black outfit.

14.Describe your style.
Usually jeans and a t-shirt. It's weird, because I constantly feel under-dressed in England. It makes me want to blow all my money on a new wardrobe.

15.Favorite Beatle?
What, the bug?

16.What are your proud of?
Currently? Nothing.



Haven't done one of these in FOREVER but, I want to post something, and this is it.

I'm not really doing anything exciting over here, just going through my granddad's house. I'm put on scanning stuff - pictures, cards, random scraps of paper, all sorts of things my mom wants for geneology purposes but can't physically take across. Maybe one day I'll do a post on it, but don't hold your breath.

1. The last band I saw live was going to be Dave Matthews Band. I've actually never seen a band live..

2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is family, which is the one thing I will have this Thanksgiving.

3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is non-existent. Or maybe I'll just bring everyone back british chocolate. .

4. Thoughts of going to London next week fill my head.

5. I wish I could wear more than just 5 different shirts, but my mom made me pack light.

6. Bagpipes rock. End of story.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to nothing in particular, tomorrow my plans include cleaning the house and Sunday, I want to sleep!


Oh my flippin' heck!

Oh my flipping heck!

So the past few weeks have been so weird, I don't even know where to start. I've been so stressed with school, I ended up having to drop a class. That wasn't fun. But this past week has been worse.
On Wednesday my Grandad passed away. He was my mothers father, and my last living grandparent. He came over thus summer for a visit and I went on a road trip with him, Sylvia (his friend), and my mom. I think I posted some pictures.
Anyway, this was completly unexpected. And it hit my mom hard. She's flying to England next Tuesday. And I'm going with her.
That's right. I'm dropping my classes, I've quit my job, and I'm going to England for about 5 weeks to be there with my mom.  If you need to talk to me, email me. I won't be on facebook or twitter. I have no idea how often I'll be online, so be patient with me. If you do email me I will get back to you, it just may take some time.

See you guys later.



So, one of the classes I'm taking is a Computer Graphics class. Which means, I get to use Maya, which is a really nice graphics program (super expensive, too. Wow!)

I've decided to show you some of the things that I've done with Maya.

Sprinkler! I made this from scratch, using NURBS objects. Which can be quite frustrating. But, it looks cool now!

Sprinkler revised! I just thought it looked really cool all glowy and stuff. No, I didn't actually turn this in for my assignment, although I wanted to.

Fire Extinguisher! This I was given the object, but I had to go through and add texture, and the image. I tried to find one of those cool Warning signs (the ones that are totally obvious and hilarious) but none fit my fire extinguisher, so I jsut used the one shown here.

Drum! I was given this one as well, and played with the texture. Although I think it turned out amazing, my teacher didn't like the transparency of the top of the drum, so he docked me a point. Sad day.

So for the last two, I was given the picture of the balloon dude, and I got to have fun with the lighting.

This was 'Monster Lighting'. I think it looks pretty cool.

This is my favorite 'Sunset Lighting'. I had to make the background, too. It was an adventure. Which I enjoyed. Mostly. :D

So, what do you guys think? Do you want to see a few more of my projects that I've been working on? Do you never want to see 3D objects again? Let me know!



Since I need to blog more. Or write more. Or something, I decided to consider myself tagged. Because it's fun answering random questions about myself. At least, funner than worrying about homework. ;)

A: Addiction: Music.
B: Breakfast: What is this food of which ye speak? (I'd love to have hashbrowns and eggs every morning, but that only happens when I go home...)
C: Chocolate or Chips: Chocolate. Chocolate chips.
D: Dessert or Appetizers: Dessert.
E: Essential Items: iPod. Phone. But mainly iPod.
F: Favorite Color: Green.
G: Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Gummy Bears!!
H: Hometown: Orem, Utah
I: Indulgence: Taking a nap.
J: January or July: July all the way! I hate the cold.
K: Kids: Maybe one day. For now I have enough nieces and nephews.
L: Life isn't complete without: good friends.
M: Most exciting memory: Nothing recent. Probably going to England. Or New York, basically visiting anywhere new is exciting.
N: Number of Brothers and Sisters: 3 sisters. 4 brothers. (although technically I have 5 brothers, but that's a story for another day. If you want to hear it.)
O: Oranges or Apples: Orange juice.
P: Phobias or Fears: heights. Except when I'm on a plane.
Q: Quote: Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter - Dr. Suess
R: Reading: Who has time to read? (Except blogs, about once a week I indulge)
S: Summer or Spring: Summer!
T: Tag 6 people: Stop telling me what to do.
U: Unknown Fact About Me: Apparently I can survive on an average of 5 hours of sleep. Who'd of thunk? (Before this semester I didn't even know this about me)
V: Vacation I want to go on: Australia. One day, please!
W: Walking or Running: Walking. I. Don't. Run.
X: X-Ray or Ultrasound: X-Ray. No reason to get an ultrasound.
Y: Your favorite food: Currently: veggies. Because I don't get enough and that's what my body craves.
Z: Zoo or Bowling: Bowling. Although I never have time for either.

Consider yourself tagged. If you want. I am not going to make you. Promise.


New York!

So, I realize I'm really behind in blogging. But with school and work, and all that fun, I have not had much time to blog. Until today. When I finally got my pictures off of my camera and thought "Hey, some people might want to see some of these pictures! Some of them are cool!"
In August I flew out to New York (upstate, not the city), where my best friend lives. I stayed a week, and then we drove back. Here are some pictures from that awesome trip:

This is New York. Countryside! It's so green, I love it.

This is a lake. In New York. :D Liz drove me around to see the countryside, and we drove by this. Yay!
We went to Saratoga Springs, NY to walk around. We walked around Congress park, and they have a real Carousel going! Of course we had to ride it. Awesome!
This is Liz's (well, her sisters) dog, Savannah. So cute!

This is my new friend Mary. Hi Mary! She's going to BYU-I right now.

This is Liz and I sitting in a giant Adirondack chair. Yes, it was amazing.

One Sunday, after church, we drove to Vermont. Yay Vermont! We were going to see Joseph Smith's birthplace.

Here is some Vermont countryside. Or at least, a river. In this valley-thing. (Update: Liz says it's the Quechee Gorge) That we crossed over. Yay!

And yes, we did have the free guided tour. Yay!

And here is the monument. I swear the sky was bluer than that. I think I need to find more pictures that I took....

And here is me, next to the Locke. (I think that's how it's spelled...)
So, I have more pictures, but I'm thinking I'll save those for a different post. Because there are a lot more. Involving me, Liz, and Crystal (Liz's sister) driving cross-country. Which is a true adventure.


A new toy

So last week I got a new toy: an iPod touch. I've been wanting one of these and had been saving up since at least April. When apple released their new generation of iPods, I knew my time had come. I was going to get one at the BYU bookstore, but they took longer than I wanted to get the new iPod touches in. Oddly enough, they had all other new models in, just not the touches. So, I borrowed Liz and went to Best Buy. And it was fun. And shiner. And I got a case, so it stays shiny. Except basically all they had was pink. And my iPod is named Calcifer. And pink is no color fit for a fire demon. So I'm looking online for a cool orange or blue or orange and blue one. ( if anyone has any suggestions, it would be most appreciated) So that's the main news right now. And the fact that homework is killing me slowly and I am in fact sick. Whoops. (yes, I did type this whole thong on my iPod. I need the practice. ;) )


I'm here. Maybe.

So, I've been meaning to blog all week. But, school started, and with it came a giant pile of homework. :D To recap my week:
Monday school started. Yay? It's exciting, but I have lots of math homework. Due every day. I hope I don't die. My Computer Science classes sound fun. I'm excited to learn more Java.
Tuesday the concert was "postponed". Also, I bought a guitar. A nice, expensive guitar. A post will follow. Sometime this semester. :D
Wednesday I got to play the guitar. And learn 2 cords. That I've been trying to practice. That I've been killing my fingers on. I hope callesus form soon! Also, more math. Like, 3 hours of it.
Thursday was long. I got up at 4 (like usual) and wasn't able to get to bed until past 11. Yikes! But, my computer animation class is worth it. I made a snowman! Woot!
Friday I about died. But, I didn't. And it was fun. I did more math. And hung out with a friend of my roommate (as well as my roommate). Then tried to go to bed early. And failed.
Today I had a nice breakfast, cooked mainly by my most awesome roommate. I helped a little, and did the dishes. :D Also, I'm supposed to be doing more math. But, my brain is dying and not understanding some of this. So, I'm blogging instead.
Mondays a holiday, which means no work! Or school! Hanging out with family, and some of my roommates family.
Maybe one day I'll get around to posting about my trip to New York (upstate, not the city), but don't hold your breath. Because if this week is any indication, I will be doing math almost everyday for the next 3 months. Really. Like, 2 hours at least. Every day. Except Sunday.
But, I have a guitar! And a awesome roommate! And cookie dough! And that makes everything happy. :D



So, I've not posted for a while. Yeah, I went on vacation, etc. It's been fun. I'll tell you all about that later. With pictures. If Liz reminds me. :D
What I have is a problem. You see, about 3 months ago, I voiced a desire to go see Dave Matthews Band live in Salt Lake City. Completely out of the blue, my sister-in-law bought me two tickets. I figured I could either take a guy-friend, or my best friend.
Well, the concert is Tuesday. And both my friends are busy. Another friend is in Florida. I don't want to waste these tickets, but I really don't want to go by myself.
So the question is: Who wants to go with me?



1. When will my prince come?
2. The Diamond Throne by David Eddings was the last good book I read!!
3. Everything has its beauty but sometimes it's hard to find.
4. I don't even remember is what I had for dinner last night!
5. I'd like your advice, but i don't know how to ask for it.
6. New York is where I want to be right now.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to a family reunion, tomorrow my plans include a birthday party for my sister and Sunday, I want to go to church!


now I know my abc's....

So, I was tagged. I like being tagged. Yay!
A - Age: 21. and a half. or so. :D B - Bed size: Um, Single? Something smaller than I like to have. C - Chore you hate: I've learned to have Vacuuming with a passion. Thank you, early morning janitorial job. D - Dogs' name: Don't have a dog. Don't really want one. Will one day if my husband really wants one. If I can have a cat. E - Essential start your day item: Shower. That's all I ask. 5 minutes. F - Favorite color: Right now...Green. G - Gold or Silver: Silver or even white gold... H - Height: 5'1". I'm short! :D I - Instrument(s) you play: Violin. Can sort of play piano if I sit down and plunk. Will be taking guitar lessons in 3 weeks. J - Job titles: Um, here are the ones I remember: Deli Worker. Custodian. Wait Staff. (so glamourous, I know) K - Kids: None. One day, hopefully. L - Living arrangements: My best friend will be moving in with me in 3 weeks. Or so. M - Mom's name: Marjorie. N - Nicknames: Shorty. Supershorty. M&M. Yellow M&M. O - Office: I don't have one.... R - Right or left handed: Right. S - Siblings: 4 brothers and 4 sisters. T - Time you wake up: about 4 am Monday through Friday. Sleep in as long as I dare (until about 10) Saturdays and Sundays. U- Underwear: Always. V - Vegetable you dislike: Trying to think here....I guess I don't really like green beans. I can tolerate them though. W - Ways you run late: I hate being late. So I try to be early everywhere. X - X-rays you've had done: Teeth. Wrist. Y -Yummy food you make: These potato logs I cooked today. I should post the recipie one day. Z - Zoo favorite: Haven't been to the zoo in a year, loved the Okapis and White Alligator at the Houston Zoo.
I tag people wearing blue. :D


august friday

1. Sleeping and reading are my favorite summertime activity. 2. My favorite John Hughes movies is ?? who the heck is John Hughes?? 3. Grass is something I love to touch. 4. The full moon is always amazing. 5. I don't feel so good right now. 6. When daylight fades it's past my bedtime. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to um, cleanind?, tomorrow my plans include hopefully hanging out with friends and Sunday, I want to sleep in!


Vacation, pt 1

So, I went on vacation. One month ago. Approximately. I went with my mom, granddad, and Sylvia. Granddad and Sylvia are from England, so they wanted to do some touring they invited me to go along, since I didn't get into the Wales study abroad (actually, he never emailed me either way, but I sort of doubt that I made it - since they've been gone a month now. Not that I'm bitter or anything.)
Anyway, I took 611 pictures. As much as I'd love to post them all here, I can't. I can't even put them all on facebook. So, you'll get some. I won't put captions under all of them, but I'll try to explain most things. And yes, there will be more than one post. I was gone 3 weeks, I can't do that all in one post.
My mom hit a sagebrush on our way down to Moab, our first day. To be honest, it was flying across the highway. Wasn't really my moms fault. :D I just love my moms expression. I love you, mom! Granddad and Sylvia in Arches National Park. Aren't they cute? Balancing Rock. Then we went to Mesa Verde, cliff dwellings in Colorado. The view was pretty spectacular. A cool tree. Flowers!