
my life according to coldplay

So, I guess this is going around facebook, maybe? I found it and thought it was kind of fun. [edit] I guess I forgot to explain the rules. Whoops. So, you choose a band, and then you answer all the questions using song titles from the band, with no repeats. Which is why some of my answers are really weird. Actually, that's why all of them are kind of weird. :D [/edit] I chose the band I have the most music of, which is not necessarily my very favorite band.
Pick Your Artist: Coldplay
Are you a male or female: Yes
Describe yourself: Trouble
How do you feel: We Never Change
Describe where you currently live: Lovers In Japan
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Postcards From Far Away
Your favorite form of transportation: Strawberry Swing
Your best friend is: The Scientist
You and your best friends are: Spies
What's the weather like: Rainy Day
What's your favorite time: White Shadows
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Don't Panic
What is life to you: Life?
Your last relationship: Talk
Your fear: Swallowed in The Sea
What is the best advice you have to give: Death Will Never Conquer
Thought for the Day: Everything's Not Lost
How I would like to die: Sparks
My soul's present condition: 42
My motto: Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground
Daily Gratitudes (yeah, I really want to do this. I just keep forgetting. Whoops):
1- Having a canyon 10 minutes away to spend the evening
2- Family to go up the canyon with
3- Cameras to capture memories
4- My iPod playing exactly what I need
5- My job

Last one of July!

1. It's time for school soon! 2. My bedroom; it's not a bad place for sleeping! 3. I must be myself at all times. 4. Family is the best thing I have ever known. 5. My family is simply wonderful. 6. The last time I laughed really loudly was yesterday. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going up the canyon with family, tomorrow my plans include a birthday party for my niece and Sunday, I want to spend time with family!



1. Right now is not the end of the world.
2. Sitting here, listening to the sound of rain falling, I think of you.
3. Chocolate tastes so good!
4. Sometimes, putting others first is overdone.
5. Life is breathtaking, really.
6. Well, maybe there is something here afterall.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to celebrating the 24th, tomorrow my plans include who knows what and Sunday, I want to relax!


extending my vacation

I was supposed to go home today. I'd be home right now, in fact. But, I choose a different route. Something fun.
We met my sister in Beaver. Toured Cove Fort together. Then, I decided to go home with her (to Richfield) instead of going home. So, here I am.
I'll get home Saturday. Or Sunday. I don't actually know when we're going back. Except I do have to go back to work Monday. Probably. This is why I didn't give them a specific date to come back. :D
I don't have my cord with me, so I can't do photos until next week. Oh well, I probably won't post that many anyway.
Have Fun!



My body makes no sense when it comes to sleep. I've tried to figure it out, really. But, no matter what I think is going to work, it ends up still leaving my tired, which is not happy. Oh, after my shower I'm up and going, and not grouchy, but I hate getting out of bed when I know I could just roll over and fall back asleep in minutes. Less than that, even.
This all started a few months ago. School had gotten out, but I still kept my early morning custodial job. I tried going to bed at 8, but as the days got longer and longer, it never seemed to work. Even if I went to bed at 8, I'd have my computer up and still wouldn't make it to bed until 9:30 or 10. And then, wake up at 4. Some nights I'd be up later, talking to family and friends. And then on the weekends I'd be up until midnight (or later) but get to sleep in. I'm sure this all threw my body totally off wack.
Then, I go on vacation. I kept telling myself that once I went on vacation, everything would get better. I'd have constant sleep, 8 or more hours a night, and I'd finally feel rested. Well, kink number one: Someone in the room snores. I'm not going to name any names, but they snore, loudly. Like, it wakes me up at least once a night. Kink number two: even if I do get 8 or 9 or 11 hours of real sleep, I still wake up exhausted. Like, I could really sleep for another few hours. Which makes no sense to me.
Let me throw in a little story here: once upon a time, it was Friday night. I had gotten 4 hours of sleep the night before (with a 1 hour nap), had worked nearly 12 hours (not straight, but bad enough) and had decided to not set my alarm, but to sleep until I woke up. I ended up sleeping over 12 hours, and my mom had to wake me up, saying I had to be to work in 30 minutes. Now, I'm always afraid to sleep without an alarm set, or someone to wake me up. I can't chance missing the whole day again.
Anyway, the thing is: I don't get it. I'm as tired with 8 or more hours of sleep as I am with only 5 or 6 hours of sleep. If I was getting too much, I'd assume that my body would automatically wake me up. But, it doesn't do that. It hasn't in years. Maybe I'm so sleep deprived, that I'm past hope? I really don't understand. Maybe when I'm back in my own bed, and I can really sleep with no distractions, maybe then I'll be better.
Or maybe I'm just fooling myself.


friday fill-in, from Vegas!

I'm in Vegas, but I have high speed, wireless internet, so I'm going to do this. I mean, it's Vegas!
1. Baked potatoes and steamed peas make a quick and easy dinner. (every Sunday, at least)
2. I finished my book two days ago, so I'm not reading one, is the book I'm reading right now.
3. July brings back memories of hot weather, family, and lots of work.
4. Vegas is expensive, this fact was obvious.
5. They say if you tell your dreams they don't come true.
6. I usually take time to think it over.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hanging out in Vegas, tomorrow my plans include going to St. George and Sunday, I want to um, drive around Utah? I'm not sure what's on the agenda for Sunday...



So, I have internet. And not just any internet. Wireless internet, that apparently works best on Windows XP. I don't have Windows XP, and yet it works just fine on my computer....I wonder how it could be any better if I was on Windows XP?
Anyway, I didn't really pay much attention to the hotel book, other than to see that yes, it did have wireless internet. And there wasn't a password needed (Although these things always worry me, why not have a password? Can you not figure it out? You can always hire me to figure it out for you!), so I got online very well. In fact, I've been online an astonishing amount this vacation. Just not regularly, and I don't want to post too much about this trip until I have pictures, and I left my cord at home. Thankfully, I have a 4 gb card in my camera, so that should last me until Monday. Hopefully. :D
Anyway, I am having fun. It's been a bit rushed in my opinion - a park a day + about 100 miles of driving a day != (does not equal) the best vacation ever. Add to that snoring and me not getting the best nights sleep, (which leads to me sleeping in the car - never a good idea for me) and you have a almost grumpy me, who feels bad, since I'm supposed to be having fun on vacation! Oh well. I have about another week after I get back until I have to go back to work for BYU, so maybe those days will be full of sleep. And maybe pigs will fly, too. :D


hello, goodbye

Well, this past week has been interesting. Lots of family. Some friends. Last big week of work.
Today I turn in my Macey's uniform. For my second, and hopefully last, time. I'm really ready to be done. I think. To be honest, I will miss it. Parts of it at least. But, that part of my life is over. I will miss everyone I worked with. Good thing I'm friends with most of them on Facebook!
Tomorrow I'm going on a trip. For about two weeks. I'll be touring down south (well, southern utah, grand canyon, Las Vegas, etc) with my mom, granddad, and his friend. It will be lots of fun. But, I'm going to try to be away from my computer as much as possible. So, I probably won't blog. Not that I've been blogging much lately, anyway. Whoops. But, when I get back there will be pictures. And stories. Yay!
Daily Gratitudes:
1. My family. I'm so sad to see them all leave, but at least I'm leaving, too.
2. Friends. They cheer me up when I'm feeling most down.
3. Money to buy a plane ticket to visit Liz, who lives in New York. That's right, I'm going to upstate New York. Yay!
4. Technology. It makes talking to and seeing friends and family so much easier.
5. No longer working at Macey's. It was a fun job, but so very stressful.


Last friday post for a while. I think

So, I'm going on vacation next week. I still can't believe it's so close. Tomorrow's my last day at Macey's, monday's my last day at BYU custodial (for 3 weeks). I'm not sure how much I'll have internet or even want to be online during my trip. I'll try to post plenty of photos when I get back, though!
1. When I heard that I was going on a road trip, I wasn't as excited as I am now. 2. Laughter and great friends are the best medicine. 3. It's late, but at least I'm awake before noon.
4. I try to smile always.
5. My eyes have seen quite a bit, and yet not enough.
6. I can't figure out what to put before strongly.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my last friday night at Macey's, tomorrow my plans include going to the 4th of July Parade with my granddad and celebrating my last day at Macey's and Sunday, I want to bask in the family festivities surrounding my nephews blessing!