
the night before

It's here. If all goes well, I'm going to be done in 12 hours.
Tomorrow morning at 6:30 am I will be leaving my house to go to the hospital.
My appointment is at 7.
And, supposedly I will be done by 9.
Some friends have said they will come and visit me while I am there, which sounds interesting.
I'm still scared to death.
I don't really know why.
It's a new experience.
Something different.
Something I've never done before.
My parents are far away.
My best friend has class.
But I won't be alone.
I will have my sister.
And some good friends.
It will be okay.
I hope.
I pray.
I know.



1. "In a hole in the ground there lived a mole." 2. "I have no money, but that ain't no matter." 3. "After dark the rain began to fall again, bringing life back to the world" 4. "I stole this back from the hold of the Spanish galleon." 5. "There was a hand in the darkness, and it grabbed mine, feeling familiar." 6. "Accidents ambush the unsuspecting, of who I am a part." 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to not much, tomorrow my plans include hanging out with friends (hopefully!) and Sunday, I want to sleep, or take a bath!


pandora and feeling better

I don't think I've mentioned my love for pandora lately. If you don't know what it is, check it out here. You choose a song, or an artist, and it creates a station based on it. You can then rate songs you like with a thumbs up (so it plays more songs like it) or a thumbs down (it never plays that song again, and it won't play songs like it).
So here I am, trying to do homework, when I get the brilliant idea to pull up pandora (I don't use it as much as I should, really). So I do, and it automatically plays "Up!" by Shania Twain. Which, of course, was the best song for me to hear right now.
I'm going up. I have to.

um, I don't know what to put here

Hi. I'm still here. Really.
My no-dairy test hasn't really been working well. I keep accidentally eating dairy products. But, I'm still trying. I'm eating much less then usual, so hopefully this still works. If not, I'll try again. Later. When I'm not craving chocolate. :^)
I got the test results back from my Echo test. Kind of. They didn't really tell me what's wrong. Just that they needed me to do another test. A TransEsophageal EchoCardiogram. So much fun. It's scheduled for tuesday, which is nice since I have no school that day. And for this test, they have to sedate me. Which actually scares me half to death, since I haven't ever been sedated before. Luckily even though my mom will be out of town, my sister will be there for me. I have to have someone to drive me home, anyway!


the test

So, there's this possibility that I might be lactose intolerant. Something about half my family suffering from this, and according to my mom I've been showing symptoms my whole life. Not sure I believe her.
Anyway, while I was at the doctors last week, my mom asked him about it, since I wasn't going to. He said I could do this really expensive test, or do a free test of my own. Of course I'm *totally* made of money, so I chose the free option (duh!).
The test is this: go one week without any dairy. No butter, milk, or, worst of all, cheese. Then, you get a big glass of milk, drink it, and see what happens. It should be fairly obvious if you're intolerant or not.
My biggest problem is the cheese. I don't really eat real butter, I don't like drinking real milk, and I've not been craving ice cream lately. But I absolutely adore cheese. It's one of my three main food groups (which are, by the way, chocolate, cheese, and everything else).
Wish me luck!



1. Why do we have to go to work?
2. Reading the board and google reader are now habits. 3. I have problems. 4. I had never heard the phrase "don't date at work" and it doesn't matter because all the guys at my work are married anyway. 5. I love the way I always do. 6. How was I to know that I'm not perfect. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dying at work, tomorrow my plans include dying at work and Sunday, I want to sleep all day!


that one thing

It's been going around, and I'm such a copy cat....
"X" marks the things I have done during my lifetime: (X) Been to Canada (X) Been to Mexico (X) Been to Florida (O) Been to Hawaii (O) Gone on a blind date (O) Skipped school (X) Watched someone die (X) Been on a plane (O) Been on a helicopter (X) Ben lost (X) Been an extra in a film (O) Been to a TV show taping (O) Visited Washington, DC (O) Traveled by San Francisco trolley (X) Traveled to Europe (O) Traveled to Asia (O) Went to the top of the World Trade Center (O) Been to Notre Dame (Cathedral) (X) Been to Jamaica (X) Swam in the ocean (X) Cried yourself to sleep (X) Played cops and robbers (X) Recently colored with crayons (O) Skipped a final exam (X) Sang Karaoke (O) Watched the birth of a child (O) Paid for a meal with coins only (O) Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch (X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't (O) Made prank phone calls (O) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans (O) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue (X) Danced in the rain (X) Written a letter to Santa Claus (O) Been kissed under the mistletoe (O) Watched the sunrise with someone (X) Blown bubbles (X) Gone ice-skating (O) Gone to the movies in 2009 (O) Been deep sea fishing (O) Driven across the United States (O) Been in a hot air balloon (O) Been sky diving (O) Gone snowmobiling (O) Lived in more than one country (X) Lay down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets (X) Seen a falling star and made a wish (O) Seen the Old Faithful Geyser (O) Seen the Statue of Liberty (O) Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle (X) Been on a cruise (X) Traveled by train (O) Traveled by motorcycle (X) Been horse back riding (O) Been to Disneyland, Disney World, and Japan's Disneyland (X) Been pulled over by a police officer (But I wasn't driving and it wasn't my car) (O) Gotten a ticket (X) Truly believe in the power of prayer (X) Been in a rain forest (O) Seen whales in the ocean (O) Been to Niagara Falls (O) Ridden on an elephant (X) Swam with dolphins (O) Been to the Olympics (O) Sat on a jury (O) Learned to juggle (O) Walked on the Great Wall of China (O) Saw a glacier (O) Been spinnaker flying (O) Been water-skiing (O) Been snow-skiing (X) Been to Westminster Abbey (O) Been to the Louvre (O) Swam in the Mediterranean (O) Been to a Major League Baseball game (O) Been to a National Football League game (O) Been to a Professional Soccer game


the doctors & my heart

So, there was this time that I hadn't been to the doctors in three years. I was sort of petrified to go, but my mom said she'd go with me, and be there for me.
Well, I went this morning. Wow. That was not fun.
Don't worry, I won't go into details. Except one: I have a heart murmur.
I've had it for years (my pediatrition told me about it), but we all thought it would just go away. Or something. I think my mom forgot all about it. Until today.
There is something wrong with a valve in my heart. What exactly, I won't find out until after a test on Wednesday. I have two responses to this:
1 - Oh, that's why I've never been athletic? That's why I HATE stairs so much? Whoo, and here I thought I was just really lazy. At least now I have an excuse why I don't like to run.
2 - Holy Cow, there's a problem? With my heart?!?! What the heck? What does that mean? What's wrong? Mommy!
I have a test (EKG? Something like that?) on Wednesday. I probably won't even find out exactly what's going on for a few more weeks. Which isn't fair, really.
I'm trying to tell myself "I've lived with it this long, I'm sure it'll be fine", but the other half of me wants it to be my excuse for everything now "I can't, I have a heart murmur."
Here's hoping I find a good balance.
Have a great day!



I've been thinking. Yes, I do that sometimes.
This blog address doesn't really fit me anymore.
I'm not an accountingchick. Maybe I once was, but no more.
I think I'm going to change it.
Any ideas?
(oh, and I will let you all know what my new address is. :^D)



Another friday, happy day! Don't forget to celebrate pi day tomorrow!
1. When I look to the left, I see my friends fridge. And her food. 2. The sun room is one room that has the best view in my home. 3. Let it work so I don't have to. 4. Nothing I do is done dirt cheap! 5. Jury duty is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share. 6. If you have any money feel free to contribute to the 'I 'need' a new iPod' fund. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping , tomorrow my plans include sleeping in and Sunday, I want to sleep. Maybe take a bath.

first off,

I stole this from erinannie. Why not?
1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
I actually didn't go to prom with anyone. I sort of snuck in. I can give more details, if you want.
2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
Sort of. Not really.
3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
Nothing. Unless I did it unknowingly.
4. What was your FIRST job?
Other than helping my mom around the house with different things (including helping out with my grandparents and great aunt), BYU Catering. Ah, those were the days.
5. What was your FIRST car?
I don't own a car. I use my parents (is that lame?).
6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
:^D Someone...
8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
I don't remember. Saddness.
9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
England. With my parents. When I was 4 months old.
10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
I don't remember her name. Which means we don't still talk.
11. Where was your FIRST sleepover?
Um, my parents didn't allow sleepovers when I was young. Which means I guess it was technically when I slept over at my cousins. But it was more "I"m staying the night here" then "We're partying all night".
12. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?
Other than myself? Raven, at work.
13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
My sisters. I was a flower girl.
14. What was the FRIST thing you did this morning?
Went to work.
15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
Jon Schmit. Yes, I'm lame.
16. FIRST tattoo?
Never gotten one.
17. FIRST piercing?
18. ears.
18. FIRST foreign country you visited?
19. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
Lion King. In the theatre.
20. When was your FIRST detention?
Never. I was a goody two-shoes.
21. What was the FIRST state you lived in?
22. Who was your FIRST roommate?
23. If you had one wish, what would it be?
To read the males mind. Or at least understand them a little better.
24. What is something you would learn if you had the chance?
How to understand people perfectly.
25. Who do you think will be the next person to post this?
Liz, perhaps.


choices, choices

This summer, I want to do something. It might be my last summer to do something fun and crazy, since next summer I should probably start doing internships or something actually relevant to the rest of my life (weird, right?). So, I have two main choices:
1- I applied to the Wales study abroad. I was accepted as an alternate, which means I still have a pretty good chance of going, it will just be shorter notice (aka, will cost more for things like plane ticket). If I go, I will lose my job at Macey's, and will only get back about 2-3 days before school starts. I will be able to go early, or stay late and visit family over there. Length: 7-8 weeks. Cost: over $4,000
2- Ironically enough, during the same time I'd be in Wales, my granddad is coming over to the states with his girlfriend. They, along with my mother, will be going to various sites in California, Arizona and Texas including: my siblings, my second cousins, Disneyland, Houver Dam, and the Grand Canyon. If I go, it will be for a shorter time (therefore I have a greater chance of getting my job back when I return). Also: I would have enough time/money to visit a friend in New York, and we'd be driving through Tuscan, where an old roommate lives (who no longer goes to BYU). Length: 3-4 weeks. Cost: less than $1,000
Either one would be great. I love the thought of going to Wales, even if I don't have enough money to pay tuition when I come back. But, on the other hand, I want to spend time with my Granddad, since this may be my last chance (ever) to spend some great time with him, and my mom.
Which one?



The first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive a handmade gift from me during this year. When and what will be a surprise. There's a small catch though...Post this same thing on your own blog and then come back and leave a comment telling me you're in. Remember, only the first 3 comments receive the gift!
Go on! I know you want to...



1. Holding the door open for a stranger was my last random act of kindness.
2. Another place same me.
3. I am unversed in matters of the heart.
4. Coffee, tea or tobacco are against my values, which are taken from the Word of Wisdom.
5. There are many different separate paths (that I could take right now).
6. Our love in daily life reminds me that there is a Heavenly Father who loves me.
7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to earning money for the summer, tomorrow my plans include A DATE!!, and Sunday, I want to go to bed early for once.


what a deal

As some of you (hopefully at least one of you) know, U2 released their newest album today. I had been hearing about it for the past few weeks. I had been looking forward to it. Then I found this.
I tried to tell myself that I didn't need it. I tried to say that it didn't matter.
I made a mistake: I went to u2.com and listened to the album online (and yes, that's the whole album. not just 30 second clips).
And fell in love.
I made it to 4 pm before I cracked.

tuesday. or maybe monday.

Mondays are always hard for me. I get to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday, sometimes I sleep as late as 9 am! Woot! But, as always, on Monday I have to get up at 4 am. Drag myself to the shower, and try to wake up. Sometimes it works. Yesterday was one of those days.
Work was kind of fun. I now clean the third floor (as opposed to the bathrooms). That's pretty fun. I do work with my friend, and that's amazing.
But, Monday was full of expectations.
I have applied to a Wales study abroad. I had an interview last Thursday. He said I was either in or an alternate, and last year 3 of the 4 alternates ended up going. But, he was making the final decision over the weekend. Which means I was watching my email with great intensity. Nothing. All day. So, I will continue to wait, even if it's a bit impatiently.
The other thing was very much nerve-wracking. You see, there's this guy. That should explain most things. But, this is a different guy. Who is basically amazing. And yesterday, I asked him out. It was definitely worth every gut-wrenching moment. We're doing a group date on Saturday. Woot!
Therefore, Mondays are awesome. And this week will not go by fast enough, though it will go by too fast.