
The Big Finale (surgery pt. 3)

Sorry, it's been a while. I don't really have an excuse, except the fact that I did go through heart surgery exactly 2 weeks ago.

So, there I was. Morning of Friday the 13th. I had decided to look at it as lucky, rather than being superstitious about it.

I wasn't scheduled to go in until 12:45 so I was taking it easy. I wasn't supposed to eat, and my parents were fasting for me, so breakfast nor lunch was an option. I jumped into the shower and was trying to decide if I should actually do my hair or not, (I had even asked Twitter!) when my phone rang.

It was the hospital, asking if I could come in early. Since we were all bored, we agreed. We jumped into the car (I ended up not doing my hair) and drove to the hospital. A five minute drive.

I don't remember everything that happened before the surgery, only bits and pieces. I got checked in, and then we went upstairs. I changed into a nifty hospital gown (complete with hat) and waited a lot. They put in one IV and tried to put in another one but had problems. Eventually someone else came in and put the second one in.

Eventually they wheeled me into the surgery room. They said it was going to be freezing, but it felt fine to me. :) and then everything went black. Actually, it didn't I just remember waking up in a different room, with my hands tied, and something down my throat. Oh, and the minute I woke up, I threw up. How's that for fun?

They had told me that I probably wouldn't remember anything from Friday night or Saturday night. I guess I can't say they lied because they said "probably" but I still feel gypped.

Anyway, saturday morning the nurses brought me breakfast. A real breakfast. No clear liquid diet for me. Ugh. It made me sick, and I threw up again.

I didn't want to eat after that. My stomach felt awful, and I didn't want to throw up again. Of course all the nurses and staff were trying to get me to eat SOMETHING. They didn't succeed. Finally on Monday or tuesday the doctors came in and said "oh, reduced appetite is just fine." Gosh, NOW you tell me.

So, I went home on the Wednesday and I've been home ever since. Building up my strength, trying to remember to do my breathing exercises. If you wanna come visit, just give me a call, send me a text, @reply me, whatever. Just contact me before you show up at my house. Because, I might not be there.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we haven't been by yet though! My brother's here for his r&r from Afghanistan and we've been hanging out while he's here... then I'll be over... Jer wants to know if you want to play Battlefield too...


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