
Going to the dentist (surgery pt 2)

Ok, I guess you guys are impatient for part two. And Holly did eat her broccoli. So, let's resume.

(Part 1 here: http://sarahssparkysnits.blogspot.com/2010/08/how-it-all-started-surgery-pt-1.html)

So there I was, sitting in the ER. They declare it to be more severe then we thought. More severe than anyone thought. They decided to admit me.

Now, as I had never been in the hospital (and I admit it, I was high on morphine), so I thought this was going to be a grand adventure. So, we went upstairs (my mom was with me for basically this while thing. And my sister, who was also at the conference, came and visited.), we went upstairs and got into a room! Excitement! Let's see what the doctors have to say about all of this! (that day I also had 3 EKGs and an MRI) Well, they didn't come, and they didn't come and finally the night crew standing in for the surgeons came and said "sorry, we don't know much. They'll see you tomorrow! Oh, and don't eat or drink anything after midnight, they'll probably want to do a trans-esophageal-echocardiogram. (I had one of them back in '09. You should totally look up my post about it because I'm not going to right now. So there. :P )

So, we went to bed. My mom went back to the conference, so I could have a real adventure! (note: being awoken at 3:00 am to have your blood pressure taken is NOT an adventure)

That night passed. In the morning the surgeons came. They said "we need to operate sooner rather than later."

We asked, "What does that mean? November?"

"No," they said. "Next week. How about Friday?"

After we recovered from that shock, we said sure. And the preparations began.

The plan was this: release me on the Friday. I go home. Go to the dentist Monday. Pre-op Wednesday or Thursday. Surgery Friday.

Simple enough, right?


That Saturday morning, (I guess it was the 7th) I was packing, because I was in SLC for a conference, rememberer? Anyway, I got done packing, and felt a bit tired, so I laid down. And the pain came back. Not quite as bad, it was about a 9.5 versus a full 10, but it was bad enough.

So, back to the ER!

Run another EKG, decided there'd was no more damage, admitted me anyway.

I stayed there until Monday afternoon. I don't remember much of the stay and I don't feel like trying to remember. So there!

So, Monday we went straight to byu. I had group therapy to say goodbye to, and I had to ask about what I do about not going to school fall semester.

After that, I went to the dentist.

Now, side story. I don't like the dentist. I mean, the man's fine enough, been going to him my whole life, but I've never been the best at brushing my teeth. So, I'd go through fazes, but I never really flossed. When I went to the dentist Monday the 9th, I hadn't been for over 5 years. Now my heart surgeon said that if there was any infection in my mouth at all, they'd need to postpone surgery, which no one wanted.

So there I was, going to the dentist for the first time in 5 years, convinced I had 5 cavities, and while cavities wouldn't postpone the surgery, getting them filled wouldn't be fun. But, miracle of miracles: nothing! No cavities, no problems. They even took x-rays and they showed nothing. I was so relieved. Yay!

Monday night we just chilled with the family. Same with most of Tuesday, but Tuesday night we went back to SLC to be close to the ER in case there was any more chest pain. They said if I stayed down in Orem and went to the ER I'd be life-flighted up to SLC (yay, adventure!) but mom was against that.

So Wednesday we went to Temple Square and Thursday I had my pre-op and lunch with my aunt and cousin. And friday was the big day. Which will be part three.

1 comment:

  1. How are you feeling by the way? We should have a bad movie night or a game night or something by the way.


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