
You know it's a bad day when...

...when you start wondering if your Prozac is working.
...when you start thinking you're useless. And lazy.
...when you start thinking that you serve no purpose.
...when you start wondering why you're still alive.
...when you realize the only reason you are alive is because lots of people would be mad at you.
...when you start thinking that maybe they'd be happy with you gone.
...when you realize you could do it tonight.

I thought about it. I do almost everyday, to be honest. Usually not really seriously, but I wonder what would have happened if I had gone through with it in June. (that's a story for another day)

Don't worry, if I got that serious about it I have many friends to turn to, to convince me otherwise. To remind me that I am awesome.

And life is worth it.    


  1. Sarah, I'm so sorry you've been struggling. You've been through an incredibly tough time with your surgery. You ARE awesome, and a beautiful, loved daughter of God.

  2. Hang in there, Sarah! Life is worth it!

  3. So... would it be more worth it with your iPod in hand??!!!!


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