
Apple wants my money

I try to be frugal. As a college student, I don't always have a lot of money. Until this semester, that is. The problem with this semester is that I'm living at home. Home is rent free. Home doesn't have a grocery bill. Home is cheap. Which means my bank account, for the first time, actually has money in it. Money that is not going anywhere soon (hopefully). Money that calls my name. But, it has to stay in my account, for next year. But then comes along today. Apple has an event. 'Spotlight turns to notebooks'. "Ahh", I think, "this is kind of cool". So, I start following it thorugh liveblogs. Next thing I know I want to look at my bank account and see if there's any way for me to get one. Well, there isn't. But still, they call to me. One day, I'll answer. Just not today.

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