

Hello, my name is Yellow M&M and I'm an audiophile. I've always liked music, from the time I was little. Even though it was mostly through the radio (and I didn't even own one!) I loved to listen to it. As I grew older, the technology advanced. Soon, CD's were everywhere. They intrigued me. I'd borrow my siblings CD's and put them on the computer, facinated that they'd stay there and I could listen, even when I gave back the CD. In time, I got my own CD player, and could borrow CD's and play them. I also burned CD's again, from families music. When I got my first portable CD player, I fell in love again. It was when I was in high school that I first found out about MP3 players. I mostly saw iPod Mini's, and I was jelous. I wanted something that I could put music on (although I personally owned little music, I was unaware of the copyright violations involved in ripping friends CD's). So, I went out and bought an iPod Shuffle. It was the first generation, and looked like a thumb drive. It held 1 GB, and I was thrilled. I've owned a couple iPods since then, and might even buy another one soon. But, through it all I never cared about the quality of music, just that I was able to listen to it, whenever and wherever I wanted (I'll rant about DRM later). It's only been lately that I've come to appreciate ripping CD's at high quality, and owning high quality earphones. I own a pair of $75 earphones, but they're wireless. That means that when I forget to charge them, I don't have earphones. Which is sad. So, I'm looking into a pair of earbuds to go along with this. But, I don't want to grab a $10 pair from walmart, those either don't fit right or break easily (not to mention the sound). So, I'm looking to pay about $100 for earphones. Maybe I'm crazy, I don't know. I like listening to music, and hearing a good quality sound.

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