
books. and news?

I bought my books today. Finally. At least I didn't have to wait in line. In other news: - I now have a transferable permit, so I can park with either of my parents cars on campus (as long as I have the hanging part) - I'm still looking for a job. Well, another job. - I painted my nails today. I might post a picture. Eventually. - I love Elder Hollands devotional talk today. Find it. Read it/listen to it. Follow it. - Taking baths is becoming a favorite pastime of mine. Along with this is bathing while on the computer (yes, I am incredably irresponsible with my electronics around water. You'd think I'd have learned after dropping my ipod in the toilet once...) - I'm trying to get into a habit of going to bed early. So far, it's not working. Any ideas? - This list is weirder than I thought it would be. Maybe I should start making stuff up? - I'm wondering what to do with my halloween costume. Any ideas? - I've posted once a day so far this year. (on average) - This list is done.

1 comment:

  1. -yay for
    -random list-writing!
    -Guess what?
    -I impulse-bought
    -an Edgar Allen Poe
    -book of POEtry
    -That along with
    -an apron...
    -guess how much it cost?!


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