
would you cry a little, for me?

Wow, just when I think my life is crazy enough, I get thrown a curve ball. Or something. And it's all I can do to stay afloat. I try to stay very positive on this blog, but right now I see very little in my life to be positive about. Which means I might not be posting for a while, because I have to work out some things, most of which are not pleasant. I do have to mention that one of those things is, in fact, a broken heart. I haven't been dating someone, but I made the mistake to fall for my best friend, and he has no such feelings for me. And I just found out that he actually has a girlfriend now. So, to prevent this blog from turning 'woe is me!' theamed, I probably will not post, unless something really big happens, or something small that makes me smile. Don't have too much fun without me.


  1. It wasn't mentioned that you actually know her...I'm not sure if that'll help or not.

  2. OH MY GOSH!! LET ME JUST TELL YOU THAT THAT GUY IS A PLAYER AND A JERK!!!!!!! Amiga I am so sorry... lets go have a pity party :D I am going to set you up with a REAL nice guy :D hugs:D

  3. @blahemeny - That actually doesn't help. I don't want to be mad at him or her, actually. I realize it's my own fault. But, I might have to take a break from the mb. I am trying to take a break from the internet.

    @Princess of America - I'm so not ready to date. Give me time. But, a pity party sounds good. We'll have to talk.

  4. Dear Princess,
    On some aspects, yes I am a jerk in how I brought my relationship to light and certain past events that I am not proud of. So I give you that one. As for player, I wouldn't go that far as I have not been dating two people at the same time, in fact I have been giving the same advice as you for over a month, for Yellow M&M to date someone else and have expressed my sentiments that I only wish to be friends for a while now. Sure there was that event that happened, but I owned up to it and apologized.
    But you are entitled to your own thoughts, and if you wish to further discuss this, lets do so in person and not on an online environment.


If you feel so inclined, leave a thought. It doesn't even have to make sense!